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5 Things Addicts Convince Themselves are True

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No doubt, if you have a loved one who is are abusing drugs or alcohol you’ve probably heard all the excuses in the book. And if you are abusing, you’ve probably used them all too. Here are some common myths addicts convince themselves are true, but are not.

addicts convince themselves

I can stop anytime I want

For an addict, using alcohol or drugs make them feel in control of their lives. Many addicts convince themselves that they only use by choice -- that they can stop anytime they want. But in reality, it is just the opposite. Drug and alcohol addiction controls the lives of the addict so much, they harm themselves and the ones that they love. Addicts cannot stop themselves, they need help from a treatment facility or program.

If everyone would just get off my back, everything would be fine

Addicts convince themselves that it is not them with the problem -- its everyone else. In fact, they believe that family and friends trying to convince them to seek treatment for their substance abuse only makes matters worse. Truth is, however, ignoring the problem, or pretending it doesn't exist enables that addict to continue their destructive lifestyle. And that’s definitely not the answer.

It’s my life. If I want to screw it up, it’s my choice

If it was only the addict’s life affected by his/her drug or alcohol use, this might be true. However, drug and alcohol abuse often comes with dishonesty, legal troubles, financial issues, abusive behavior and more. It’s not just the addict’s life being ruined by addiction; friends, families, and coworkers also feel the affects even if they are not using.

Detox is worse drugs

The fear or what lies ahead if they choose to get treatment causes many addicts to avoid recovery centers. Urban myths about detox convince many that it is worse than the drugs themselves, so they avoid treatment altogether. In reality, each treatment plan at a recovery center, like 12 Palms, is tailored to the specifics needs of each guest. Often times, clinicians prescribe medications to help ease the symptoms of pain during the detox process.

Getting drug and alcohol addiction treatment means I’m weak

Nothing can be further from the truth. Addiction is a disease that requires great strength and perseverance from the addict and his/her loved ones to overcome. Admitting you have a problem and seeking treatment is not a sign of weakness; it takes a strong person to take on the responsibility of your problem, and of conquering the pain it causes yourself and those around you.

If you or a loved one is ready to conquer addiction call 12 Palms Recovery Center today, and begin your journey to a fulfilling substance-free life.


Bob Hopkins is a freelance writer and former journalist who has dealt with the difficult emotions of watching a loved one battle the disease of addiction. In this blog, he hopes to provide support and let those in a similar situation know that they are not alone.



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