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Addiction Treatment: How Can My Family Help with my Aftercare Plan?

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Addiction Treatment: How Can My Family Help with my Aftercare Plan?

For any addiction treatment plan to be truly effective, it’s of vital importance for each alcoholic and addict to continue on the path toward long-term sobriety in the days, months and years after they have completed inpatient rehab treatment.

While many qualified addiction treatment centers offer sound after rehab programs, 12 Palms Recovery Center believes in implementing an after rehab treatment plan for its clients, for it's clients that also in many ways maps out how family members can assist their loved ones in their recovery as well.

Family counseling is an important part of the comprehensive addiction treatment programs offered at 12 Palms, and the dedicated staff of counselors and therapists are certified and trained in family counseling. Family-involved therapy can be very useful in helping clients with their after rehab planning. Family-involved therapy helps educate family members about their own actions and behaviors that may have been factors in the continuation of their loved one’s substance abuse. Through weekly counseling sessions, family members can work on identifying those behaviors and implement new behaviors and actions that will support their loved ones after they have completed inpatient treatment.

Oftentimes, family members are completely unaware that they were in fact enabling their loved ones during the throes of their active addiction. At 12 Palms, counselors will work with family members to not only identify and address those behaviors and actions, but also to help them deal with their own feelings and emotions brought on by their loved one’s addiction.

Clients at 12 Palms will engage in counseling sessions with their family members to see how their actions affected each family member. Family members will often write impact letters that detail the level of pain experienced by them through their loved one’s actions during their addiction. When a client sees for the first time how much their actions while actively using hurt their families, then the process of healing can truly begin.

Family members can indeed play an important role in the ongoing after rehab of their loved ones after they have completed inpatient treatment. 12 Palms Recovery Center is a substance abuse rehabilitation center that firmly believes in giving each family member their own set of tools and resources that can in fact help their loved ones maintain a long-term life in recovery.


Doug Mead is a freelance writer who is also a recovering alcoholic with over 23 years of sobriety. Doug strongly believes in working with fellow recovering alcoholics and addicts who are new to recovery. 



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