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Can Drug Rehab Treatment Really Restore My Life?

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Can Drug Rehab Treatment Really Restore My Life?

The disease of addiction is a disease of deception. It deceives addicts into thinking that their drug use is normal. It’s the only disease in the world that tells you that you don’t have a disease.

As a result, addicts lose themselves in their addiction, and they oftentimes lose everything that’s near and dear to them, including their hopes and dreams.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab treatment center with a dedicated staff of counselors, therapists and technicians who know full-well of the devastating effects of addiction, for they are all recovering addicts themselves. They at one time thought they would never gain their lives back. Through what they learned in recovery in drug rehab treatment and by building a strong foundation in sobriety, they were in fact able to regain control of their lives, and were able to once again realize their dreams.

It’s that knowledge that is passed along to clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center. Not only do clients undergo a comprehensive set of rehab treatment programs options, they also are given hope through the dedicated staff that they can in fact realize the hopes and dreams they once had before addiction took a stranglehold on their lives.

The first step is building a solid foundation, and the staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center diligently works with each and every client to build that foundation. Without it, there’s no hope of realizing anything but despair.

Through the various extracurricular activities offered at 12 Palms Recovery Center, each client can start to see how they can see a brighter future when they are clean and sober. The activities are designed to show clients the fun that can be had in sobriety, but also to show them that with a solid foundation in recovery, they can do anything they set their minds to.

Recovery isn’t just about staying away from a drink and a drug. 12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida rehabilitation center that believes that recovery is about showing clients that they can live a life that has meaning and purpose, and that hopes and dreams can be restored.


Doug Mead is a freelance writer who is also a recovering alcoholic with over 23 years of sobriety. Doug strongly believes in working with fellow recovering alcoholics and addicts who are new to recovery. 



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