Coping With a Successful Recovery

If you’re a recovered alcoholic or substance abuser, you know that escaping your addiction through rehab and recovery gave you a second chance at life. It’s a cause for celebration, after struggling through addiction and completing a rehab program successfully. You deserve to be acknowledged for your success!

However, it’s also important to remember that there can be dangers associated with the good times, as well as the bad times. It is therefore vital that people in recovery learn to enjoy their success without putting their sobriety in danger.
There can be pitfalls associated with experiencing success in recovery, which are more likely to be a problem for those who are newly sober:

Pitfalls Associated with Experiencing Success in Recovery

  • Because an addict learned to associate substance abuse with reward, they may develop a craving for alcohol or drugs after achieving success in recovery.
  • An addict may feel like they deserve to drink or use drugs as a reward, but because they can’t, it may lead to resentment which can trigger a relapse.
  • If things are going particularly well in sobriety, an addict may believe they are cured from their addiction and that it’s safe for them to drink or take drugs again.
  • Success can also make an addict lose focus on what is important in their life; they may stop doing the things that have been keeping them sober.
  • After the euphoria of a completing a successful rehab, there can be a feeling of anticlimax afterwards, which can lead to feelings of disappointment and act as a trigger for relapse.

  • At 12 Palms Recovery Center, we understand that recovery doesn’t end once a rehab program is completed. Our caring and compassionate 12 Palms staff know the pitfalls of a successful rehab first-hand, and empower our clients with coping tools and techniques that have worked for them and for countless others in sobriety as well. The rehab program at 12 Palms will help you not only avoid the pitfalls that can lead to relapse, but can also help ensure an enduring recovery that allows you to achieve your ambitions and live a successful, satisfying and happier life.

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