Alcohol Treatment: Are the 12 Steps Still a Viable Treatment Option?

In recent years, a large number of substance abuse rehab centers have opened, and many of them proclaim to have the latest and greatest treatment modalities, replacing so-called “outdated” alcohol treatment plans.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, there is one method of alcohol treatment that will never be regarded as “outdated,” and that’s the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

In fact, 12 Palms Recovery Center uses the 12 Steps as the center of all of their alcohol treatment programs. In place since 1939, the 12 Steps have helped hundreds of thousands of alcoholics and addicts achieve quality long-term sobriety, and the staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center sees absolutely no reason to mess with success, despite claims to the contrary.

The 12 Steps provide a plan of action, starting with building a foundation based on honestly, hope and faith. Without having a solid foundation built in place with the first three steps, it’s nearly impossible for an addict to build on that foundation.

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Alcoholism Treatment: How Should I Approach my Loved One About Their Drinking?

For many families, having to deal with a family member who is actively in the throes of their addiction can be devastating in many ways. No amount of prodding, pleading, begging or screaming at their loved one seems to get through or lead to alcoholism treatment. The family continues to be torn apart by the actions and behaviors of their loved one when actively drinking or drugging, and its effect on each family member can be manifested in many different ways.

Oftentimes, family members and significant others try suggesting to their loved one that they have a problem and need alcoholism treatment, only to be met with stiff resistance and denial of any problem. However, when confronted by a group of family members and loved ones, the suggestion then carries a whole lot more weight.

Before considering a family intervention, there are several steps that should be taken.

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Residential Treatment Centers: How Group Counseling Can Best Effect Change

For many addicts and alcoholics, they have spent much of their time while actively drinking and drugging in active denial, oftentimes shutting down their feelings and never being honest with themselves or anyone else about their actions and behavior.

Once they have made the decision to seek recovery, the very idea of opening up to complete strangers about their lives at residential treatment centers is a scary proposition. For years they sought to bury their true feelings by medicating themselves, and now faced with the prospect of being honest with themselves and others, the walls that they have built up within themselves seem almost impossible to break through.

Many residential treatment centers include group counseling sessions as a way to help break through those walls, but 12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida rehabilitation center where group counseling sessions encourage clients to be honest with themselves by listening to their peers.

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Can drug addiction rehabs help repair my family relationships?

Oftentimes, drug addicts are completely unaware of the devastation they are causing in the lives of those around them, especially within their own families. Family members themselves will yell, scream, withdraw, cajole, rant, criticize, understand, negotiate, get fed up and try any other number of ways to manage their loved ones’ addiction, to no avail.

As a result, the family becomes so intensely focused on trying to fix their loved one’s addiction that they have lost the ability to be themselves and to communicate honestly, while the addict just continues on, either not knowing or not caring how their family is dealing with their actions and behavior.

Many drug addiction rehabs focus on the addict and their recovery, with treatment modalities designed to serve only the addict. However, at 12 Palms Recovery Center, family counseling is a major component of their comprehensive drug treatment plan.

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