Addiction Treatment: Personalized Attention With a Caring Counselor

The 12 Palms Difference is a staple of five major components in the addiction treatment plan at 12 Palms Recovery Center, encompassing real recovery, non-hospital setting, practical approach, outside fun and personalized attention.

It’s the personalized attention that helps set 12 Palms Recovery Center apart from many other treatment programs in Florida. 12 Palms employs a staff of 25 dedicated employees, including six counselors and therapists, all of whom are licensed in substance abuse treatment, social work and/or addiction therapies. Since 12 Palms Recovery Center maintains a census of approximately 25 clients, each client receives a personalized level of care not often found in other drug and alcohol treatment centers.

Once a client has been assessed and evaluated at 12 Palms Recovery Center, they are assigned to a counselor who will meet with them regularly. Their addiction treatment plan will consist of ongoing therapy sessions, where clients can discuss with their counselors the various actions and behaviors which may have led to their drug or alcohol abuse, the tools and resources that can be used when temptation sets in, and ongoing after rehab treatment options after the client has completed in-patient treatment.

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Finally Seeing the Light in Alcohol Treatment

For anyone who is struggling with alcohol addiction, the very thought of living life without alcohol for even one day is a scary proposition. Many have used alcohol to feel better about themselves, or to mask other feelings they’re trying to suppress. Living life without their magic elixir doesn’t seem possible.

However, at some point, alcohol stops working. No matter how much they try to drink, the pain is still there, and the feelings they’re trying to suppress won’t disappear. Alcohol is no longer their friend.

Alcohol treatment at 12 Palms Recovery Center begins when the client is ready and willing to try a new way of life—a way of life that works.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a rehab in Florida that has a dedicated staff of counselors and therapists who are also recovering alcoholics and addicts—they know full-well what it takes to stay sober on a daily basis.

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Addiction Takes No Breaks, Why Should a Drug Rehab Facility?

For any addict that has achieved long-term recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, they know how hard their addiction works to constantly try and destroy their lives. For them, it doesn’t matter how long they have remained sober, they only know that if they become complacent in their recovery even for just a few minutes, their addiction will work to attack once again.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab facility that fully understands how the disease of addiction works to destroy lives at a moment’s notice. As a leading Florida drug rehab center, 12 Palms has developed a full suite of treatment options for its clients that doesn’t just educate them about addiction, but gives them a complete set of tools and resources necessary to fight their addiction each and every day.

Addiction is a disease for which there is no cure.

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Can Drug Rehab Treatment Really Restore My Life?

The disease of addiction is a disease of deception. It deceives addicts into thinking that their drug use is normal. It’s the only disease in the world that tells you that you don’t have a disease.

As a result, addicts lose themselves in their addiction, and they oftentimes lose everything that’s near and dear to them, including their hopes and dreams.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab treatment center with a dedicated staff of counselors, therapists and technicians who know full-well of the devastating effects of addiction, for they are all recovering addicts themselves. They at one time thought they would never gain their lives back. Through what they learned in recovery in drug rehab treatment and by building a strong foundation in sobriety, they were in fact able to regain control of their lives, and were able to once again realize their dreams.

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