A Rehab Center That Offers a High Level Quality of Care

If you are a person struggling with a dependency on alcohol and/or drugs, and you are looking for a rehab center that will help you attain a long-term life in sobriety, there is really only one facility to consider when it comes to a level of quality care—12 Palms Recovery Center.

There are no doubt other substance abuse rehabilitation centers across the country that can help you with your addiction, but 12 Palms Recovery Center offers a recovery program with a staff of caring and dedicated counselors, therapists and technicians who offer much more than just education.

Every single staff member at 12 Palms Recovery Center are recovering addicts and alcoholics themselves, and have dedicated their lives to helping other addicts and alcoholics who are desparately looking to escape a life of misery caused by their addiction. Not only are they certified and trained in addiction therapies, they also experienced the pain and misery caused by addiction, and each staff member at 12 Palms Recovery Center has dedicated their lives and professions to helping others in similar situations.

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How Does the 12 Palms Difference Help in My Alcohol Rehabilitation Program?

Alcohol rehabilitation has been attempted in various forms for many years now, often with varying degrees of success. In recent years, even more alcohol treatment programs have been introduced, and many alcohol treatment programs in Florida have adopted some of the newer treatment options as a part of their addiction treatment program.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, the 12 Palms Difference has been adopted, which includes a comprehensive treatment options that blend in time-tested treatment programs as well.

The 12 Palms Difference is all about five simple components—Real Recovery, Non-Hospital Setting, Practical Approach, Personalized Attention and Outside Fun.

For 12 Palms, real recovery is about making sure that each client is completely engaged in their recovery through a comprehensive suite of alcohol rehabilitation programs designed to give them the tools and resources needed for long-term sobriety.

A non-hospital setting means that each client can recover in a peaceful, serene setting along the water on the east coast of Florida, in a safe environment where no client feels locked down, and each client has access to cell phones and laptop computers.

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Getting Over the Fear of Drug Rehab

For many addicts, they were often fearless when indulging in their drug of choice, often putting themselves in dangerous situations during the throes of their addiction. They were relentless in the pursuit of the drug that they so craved, damn the circumstances.

However, once faced with the prospect of recovery, all of a sudden that fearlessness that they experienced during their active drug use has now become a burden of fear.

Drug rehab is a scary proposition for many addicts, and for a variety of reasons. The first fear commonly faced is the fear of withdrawal. While many addicts experienced some type of withdrawal during their active drug use, they simply turned back to the drug to escape the withdrawal symptoms. They know how tough the withdrawal symptoms are, so the thought of it without their drug of choice is overpowering.

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Drug Residential Treatment: How Long Do I Need to Stay?

One of the most common questions asked about drug residential treatment is the length of stay that is required.

While many drug rehabilitation centers have a rigid program that adheres to a set schedule, 12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug residential treatment program where the length of stay is dependent upon several different factors.

Each client at 12 Palms Recovery Center is immediately assessed and evaluated upon their admission. Their counselor determines their length of stay based on a treatment program that is consistent with their own particular situation, and each patient is given the opportunity to recover in an amount of time that allows them to fully grasp all of the tools and resources needed to continue their recovery after their time in treatment has ended.

Each addict is unique in terms of their specific substance abuse, length of time abusing that substance, and many other emotional, mental and psychological disorders that can also be present along with the addiction.

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