12 Palms: Drug Treatment Options that Offer Hope for Long-Term Sobriety

For many years, drug treatment essentially involved locking addicts up in an asylum or psych ward, never to be seen or heard from again. Thought to be a danger society, it was largely thought that putting them behind closed doors was the best option.

Fortunately, addicts today have better options, and at 12 Palms Recovery Center, those options include a comprehensive set of drug treatment options designed to give each and every client an opportunity to live a life beyond their wildest dreams.

The dedicated staff of counselors and therapists at 12 Palms has devised a set of drug treatment options that utilize the newest psychotherapy modalities combined with time-tested treatment options. All six of the counselors and therapists are certified in addiction counseling, and each one of them are also recovering addicts and alcoholics themselves. They have walked in the shoes of their clients, and oftentimes they share their own experiences in addiction and recovery to help gain the trust of their clients.

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12 Palms: Offering Drug Addiction Treatment in a Serene Setting

Addicts often hear the word serenity in early recovery, and it’s a feeling that is oftentimes foreign to them. Serenity was certainly not a word used in describing their lives in active addiction, for sure.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a rehab in South Florida that doesn’t take the word serenity lightly. In fact, as a leading drug addiction treatment center, they have gone to great lengths to offer their clients a setting for recovery which is not serene, but safe and comfortable.

12 Palms is a drug addiction treatment center situated in Jensen Beach, Florida, nestled in 10 acres of secluded land right alongside the Indian River lagoon, considered one of the most diverse estuaries in the country. With its subtropical setting, 12 Palms offers serenity in every sense of the word. Clients can start their day watching the sunrise over the river, and after a full day of treatment-related activities, they can return to enjoy a peaceful time anywhere throughout the beautiful acreage that 12 Palms offers—quiet time at a bench surrounding a spring-fed pond, taking a relaxing swim at the large pool, or taking a casual walk around the grounds while being surrounded by lush vegetation and gorgeous natural landscape.

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Alcohol Rehabilitation: Getting Over the Fear of Detox

As a recovering alcoholic with over 22 years of sobriety, I have been blessed with the opportunity to help a number of fellow alcoholics new in recovery. Recently, a good friend who sought out my help was deathly afraid of one particular thing—going through detox.

In years past, alcohol rehabilitation didn’t have the resources available today with modern technology and medical advances, so detoxification from alcohol could indeed be very painful to endure. Detox symptoms can vary depending on the length of use and average amount of alcohol consumed daily. Nausea, vomiting, headaches, insomnia, the shakes (delirium tremens or DTs) are the more common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, however, for alcoholics who have been drinking for longer periods of time, symptoms can be severe.

Fortunately, there are newer methods of treatment and medications that can help to greatly reduce the painful process of detox.

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Addiction Treatment: How Can My Family Help with my Aftercare Plan?

For any addiction treatment plan to be truly effective, it’s of vital importance for each alcoholic and addict to continue on the path toward long-term sobriety in the days, months and years after they have completed inpatient rehab treatment.

While many qualified addiction treatment centers offer sound after rehab programs, 12 Palms Recovery Center believes in implementing an after rehab treatment plan for its clients, for it’s clients that also in many ways maps out how family members can assist their loved ones in their recovery as well.

Family counseling is an important part of the comprehensive addiction treatment programs offered at 12 Palms, and the dedicated staff of counselors and therapists are certified and trained in family counseling. Family-involved therapy can be very useful in helping clients with their after rehab planning. Family-involved therapy helps educate family members about their own actions and behaviors that may have been factors in the continuation of their loved one’s substance abuse.

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