12 Palms: A rehabilitation center that understands and listens

All across the country, there are a number of substance abuse rehab centers that have done an admirable job in trying to lead alcoholics and addicts toward a quality life in sobriety. However, how many of them actually take the proper time to understand and listen to their clients?

Many addiction treatment centers have a census of over 100 clients seeking recovery, but may only have five or six qualified counselors and therapists on hand to help them in early recovery. Clients can at times feel like a number, as they wait their turn to have some limited one-on-one time with their counselor.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, they believe in an entirely different approach. 12 Palms is a rehabilitation center that maintains a census of between 25 and 30 clients, and employs six full-time counselors and therapists dedicated to ensuring that their clients will be heard.

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Can addiction treatment centers like 12 Palms teach me how to cope?

Oftentimes, people struggling with addiction to drugs and/or alcohol use their substance of choice as a way to cope with their lives. They literally medicate themselves so that they don’t have to deal with life situations that cause them stress.

When presented with the thought of abstaining from their drug of choice, the first thought that often comes to their minds is, “How will I cope with my life without drugs or alcohol?”
Addiction treatment centers across the country have long dealt with this issue. It’s easy to show an addict or alcoholic how to stay away from a drink or a drug—it’s another thing entirely to show them how to cope with life without them.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, addicts and alcoholics don’t just learn how to stay clean and sober, they are given the tools and resources that will help them how to cope with everyday life.

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