12Palms http://12palmsrecoverycenter.com/blog Just another WordPress site Thu, 30 May 2013 18:45:40 +0000 http://backend.userland.com/rss092 en-US Popping Pills: A Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic [Infographic]

Popping Pills Infographic

The misuse of prescription drugs in America is on the rise. For a country with just 5% of the world’s population, we consume our share of medications and then some – three-quarters of the world’s prescription drugs! And in 2010, enough prescription painkillers were prescribed to medicate every single American adult every 4 hours for an entire month.

Most abused prescription drugs fall within three categories: painkillers, tranquilizers, and stimulants. In the past month, 6.2 million people have used prescription drugs non-medically. From this infographic, you can learn a little bit more about the people who abuse prescription medications: where they live (non-medical usage rates are highest in the West), where they got their drugs (mostly from friends and relatives), and the reasons teens cite for abusing Rx drugs (the #1 reason? They’re easy to find).

Please help us spread the word about prescription drug abuse by sharing this infographic with your friends, families, and readers.

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The Effect of Drugs on Pregnancy Video Infographic

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Recently we published an infographic called “Your Baby on Drugs” to illustrate the harmful effects that drug and substance abuse while pregnant can have on the welfare of both the mother and the child to be born. These revealing statistics are aimed to bring awareness to the complications that drugs and alcohol abuse can have on the safety of your loved ones. To drive our point home, we’ve spent some time re-envisioning the data to turn this very important infographic into a video. Hopefully this compelling display of information will help urge everyone to act to support any family members or friends that they know are abusing drugs while pregnant.

Please help us spread the word, and educate the public on the troubles of abusing drugs and substances when expecting a child.

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This Is Your Baby On Drugs [Infographic]

The creation of life is a beautiful thing, something that nearly all hopeful parents dream about as they grow older. They say men become fathers the minute their child is born, and women become mothers the minute they discover they’re pregnant. But despite those inherent traits of mankind, not every parent is perfect. We all make mistakes and learn from them, only some are more drastic than others. And our first priority should be cultivating the finest life for millions of children that will be entering this world. But not all of them have an equal chance at survival. That’s because each year a number of those babies suffer from birth defects directly resulting from substance abuse and drug addiction that occurred during pregnancy. That number has grown to include over 4% of Pregnant women. Which can be traced back to nearly 176,200 babies that are exposed to potential birth defects!

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Podcasts are a generic term for audio or video programs you can get on your MP3 player or iPod. They are like “radio shows” on the Internet.

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