Group Therapy

For many alcoholics and addicts, just the thought of going through drug addiction treatment is daunting enough, but to have to face others in group therapy is even more frightening.

 addiction treatment

 At 12 Palms Recovery Center, group therapy is just one of the many services in the suite of programs designed for alcoholics and addicts seeking treatment. As a leading Florida rehabilitation center, 12 Palms Recovery believes strongly that through group therapy, clients are able to see that their problems and issues are not unique, and that many others have suffered along with them during their active use of drugs and alcohol.

With its 12 Palms Difference, 12 Palms Recovery Center encourages each of its clients to actively engage in their own recovery, and oftentimes, group therapy can be a very useful tool in allowing clients to listen to the hopes and fears of others who have been down the same path.

Many alcoholics and addicts worked to suppress their feelings, thoughts and fears through the use of drugs of alcohol, so the very thought of opening up to room full of strangers is definitely not something they look forward to at the beginning of their recovery. However, the trained staff of counselors and therapists at 12 Palms Recovery have all been down the same road—they too are recovering alcoholics and addicts, and they know full well the pains and struggles that clients face in early recovery.

By opening up in group therapy with other addicts and alcoholics, clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center learn that by sharing their innermost thoughts, they are not beginning the process of healing themselves, but they are also helping to heal others as well. Oftentimes in group therapy, clients can identify with what another addict is talking about, and they can then use what they’ve heard in group therapy to help themselves in their own healing process.

Alcoholics and addicts are not unique, and group therapy helps clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center to see that their problems and behavior while actively using were often actions that others can identify with, having gone through it themselves.

 Drug rehab and alcohol rehab centers across the country have a suite of programs in place that utilize group therapy, but at 12 Palms Recovery Center, its staff of counselors and therapists often share their own experiences in group therapy, oftentimes as a way to show clients that by opening up about their past, only then can they start to deal with the present and the future.

alcohol rehab



Early on in their drug addiction treatment program at 12 Palms Recovery Center, clients are constantly shown through example by the staff of counselors and therapists that only by sharing their pain, their fear, their hopes, their dreams and their beliefs that they can truly begin a process of healing. Oftentimes in group therapy, clients can also see that by sharing their innermost thoughts and by listening to the thoughts of other alcoholics and addicts, they can then start to see the benefits of finally opening up their hearts and minds.

For so many years, alcoholics and addicts worked to suppress what they were feeling by using their drug of choice to bury those feelings. Through group therapy, along with other time-tested drug addiction treatment options, clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center are given a very useful tool that can help them maintain a quality life of sobriety.

Clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center also learn that through group therapy, they can learn to share their experience, strength and hope at outside AA meetings while in alcohol rehab, and later when their time at the rehabilitation center ends and they are participating in life outside their walls.

Group therapy does not have to be painful experience. At 12 Palms Recovery Center, clients see the benefits that group therapy provides, and once they leave the drug rehab facility, they can then utilize the many tools and resources provided by 12 Palms Recovery Center to live a life in sobriety beyond their wildest dreams.