Rehab Outside Fun Activities

Enjoy many of life’s pleasures on a Florida Rehab

12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida alcohol rehab and drug rehab program that takes recovery seriously. At the same time we and our clients know that if we are not enjoying life and having fun in recovery what’s the purpose?

As such, 12 Palms - unlike other recovery centers – strives to balance clinical therapy, 12 Step recovery, relaxation and fun activities. Smiles, laughter and enjoyment prove realities at our treatment center, with daily gym visits M-F and weekend activities such as beach volleyball, snorkeling, kayaking, surfing, paddle boarding, deep sea fishing, horseback riding, golfing, bowling, movie theatre etc.

The great Roman philosopher Seneca once said, “Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.” At 12 Palms Recovery Center, the start of recovery is the start of a new life, and that life is meant to be enjoyed, each and every day, one day at a time.


Rehabilitation Center Approach

Many substance abuse rehabilitation centers preach about working recovery one day at a time, but at 12 Palms Recovery Center, each client is given the opportunity to live that life, not just through learning about recovery, but experiencing it as well. 12 Palms Recovery Center believes in a holistic approach to addiction treatment—treating the mind, body and spirit. While many private drug rehab facilities offer the same approach, 12 Palms Recovery Center immerses its clients in recovery with a balance of clinical therapy, recovery through the 12 Steps, counseling sessions, relaxation methods and fun extracurricular activities.

Recovery from drug and alcohol abuse isn’t meant to be a sentence or a burden, and at 12 Palms Recovery Center, clients are shown that life is meant to be enjoyed each and every day. Clients have access to a gym each day during the week, and weekend activities are planned to allow clients to enjoy all that life has to offer. During weekends, clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center take a break from the rigors of intense therapy with a variety of fun outdoor activities such as beach volleyball, snorkeling, paddle boarding, deep sea fishing, kayaking, bowling, trips to the movie theater, surfing and many other activities designed to show clients that life can indeed be enjoyed in sobriety.


Why 12 Palms Florida Rehab ?

With its location alongside the water on the east coast of Florida, 12 Palms Recovery Center offers a temperate, sub-tropical climate where clients can enjoy many of life’s pleasures, while at the same time learning how to use the tools and resources provided to them in recovery that will help them continue to enjoy life. Many other drug addiction rehabs offer a variety of activities, but at 12 Palms Recovery Center, the three-pronged approach to addiction treatment—mind, body and spirit—helps each client to prepare them for a quality life in recovery. The dedicated staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center are also recovering addicts and alcoholics themselves, and know full-well that drug rehab and alcohol rehab can be a daunting proposition, especially early in recovery. With its substance abuse rehabilitation treatment options designed to include fun outdoor activities, they can show clients by example how fulfilling life can be in sobriety.

Also included in the activities provided by 12 Palms Recovery Center is attendance at outside AA meetings. Clients are encouraged to participate, mingle with other recovering addicts and alcoholics, find sponsors that can help guide them through the 12 Steps, and listen to the experience, strength and hope shared by addicts and alcoholics who know and empathize with what they are feeling and experiencing.

While an alcohol rehab in Georgia or a drug rehab in Virginia can certainly hope alcoholics and addicts in recovery, 12 Palms Recovery Center firmly believes that a life in sobriety is meant to be enjoyed. Through its program of clinical therapy, group counseling sessions, introduction to the 12 Steps, attendance at AA meetings and enjoyment of fun outdoor activities, clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center can build a solid foundation of recovery and learn that life can indeed be enjoyed in sobriety, one day at a time.


Rehab Activities


“If someone wants to get sober, this is a wonderful place to do it...12 Palms saved my life.”

— Fred

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“When an addict is finally willing to admit that they are completely powerless over their addiction and need help recovering, they are left with a choice.”

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