Real Recovery

Unlike any Substance Abuse Rehab

Unlike your or your loved one’s experience at another substance abuse rehab, 12 Palms Recovery Center immerses it’s Client in real recovery. Witness the smile return, the twinkle in their eyes, and the light bulb power in their mind.

substance abuse rehab

Real Addiction Treatment

We do not merely teach about recovery, or preach about it from a podium as at most recovery centers. Our dual diagnosis program will include our client attending outside meetings, obtaining a sponsor, and working toward completion of the 12 Steps, not just a surface education of what most alcohol treatment and drug treatment centers expect their patients to do when they are discharged.

We've Been There, We Know the Way to Recovery, We Live it Daily

When alcoholics and addicts are in the throes of their addiction, life is about finding their drug of choice, completely numbing their minds so that they don’t have to deal with real life, and continuing to live a life that has no real meaning. At 12 Palms Recovery Center, real recovery starts when the addict is finally sick and tired of being sick and tired.

 12 Palms Recovery Center believes that real recovery starts when an alcoholic or addict has finally surrendered, and becomes willing to learn how to live a quality life in sobriety. As one of the leading substance abuse centers in Florida, 12 Palms Recovery Center employs a staff of qualified medical professionals, counselors and therapists who are also recovering alcoholics and addicts themselves.

Comprehensive Set of Addiction Treatment Options

Many residential treatment centers work to educate their clients, giving them the knowledge they need to stay sober. At 12 Palms Recovery Center, substance abuse recovery isn’t about just providing their clients an education on alcohol treatment or drug treatment, it’s about involving their clients in their own recovery through a comprehensive set of addiction treatment options.

Dedicated Staff of Counselors and Therapists

Drug addiction rehabs typically educate about recovery from podiums. At 12 Palms Recovery Center, the dedicated staff of counselors and therapists works with each client on a more personal level through interactive group counseling sessions, intense one-on-one therapy sessions and many other alcohol treatment options to ensure that each and every client is given a comprehensive set of tools and resources that will help to achieve long-term sobriety.

substance abuse centers

Leading by Example

As one of the leading rehabilitation centers in Florida, 12 Palms Recovery Center offers drug rehabilitation simply by leading by example. The entire staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center are all recovering alcoholics and addicts themselves, and have all been through the rigors of early recovery. They fully understand and can empathize with what their clients are going through, and have crafted drug rehabilitation treatment options that each client can start practicing and living right from the start.

Real recovery at 12 Palms Recovery Center starts with a full individual assessment for each client. Substance abuse rehab centers will typically assess each client, but at 12 Palms Recovery Center, they believe that each client is unique in terms of their addiction, and a comprehensive addiction treatment option is crafted to meet each client’s specific addiction. As a private rehab with a census of approximately 20-24 clients, the dedicated staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center can then take the proper time with each and every client to ensure that all of their recovery needs are being met.

How to Live Life on Life’s Terms

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, real recovery also means learning how to live life on life’s terms. While many drug addiction rehabs may teach how to live life on life’s terms, at 12 Palms Recovery Center, clients are encouraged to start using their recovery tools right from the start, through extracurricular activities designed to help clients start interacting socially in the outside world. Many addicts and alcoholics hid their emotions and feelings by using their drug of choice, and 12 Palms Recovery Center addiction treatment options teach clients how to enjoy life’s simple pleasures without needing to be medicated.

While many private rehab centers are certainly qualified to provide great addiction treatment plan options, 12 Palms Recovery Center believes that real recovery starts from day one, and each client is actively encouraged to start living a life of real recovery, and finding out that a life of sobriety is fulfilling and meaningful.



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“If someone wants to get sober, this is a wonderful place to do it...12 Palms saved my life.”

— Fred

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“When an addict is finally willing to admit that they are completely powerless over their addiction and need help recovering, they are left with a choice.”

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