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Drug & Alcohol Rehab

We'be been there...and back. Read more about the struggles and triumphs over addiction. Our expert staff is here to help in any way possible.

Entering alcohol rehab: Have I made the right choice?

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Entering alcohol rehab: Have I made the right choice?

For the vast majority of people who are addicted to alcohol, the first big decision they must make is to become willing to seek treatment for their addiction. The second decision is of vital importance as well—choosing the right alcohol rehab to seek that help.

The choices are indeed endless—literally thousands of alcohol rehab centers advertise their services in various print publications and online, all with a variety of rehab treatment programs that they believe can help alcoholics achieve a quality level of sobriety. For any alcoholic seeking treatment, the decision of which alcohol rehab to choose will indeed have lasting implications regarding their long-term recovery.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida rehabilitation center where clients can be secure in knowing they have made the right choice. One of the unique qualities that makes 12 Palms Recovery Center a great choice for recovery is the fact that each staff member are also  recovering alcoholics and addicts. Having been through the arduous recovery process themselves, they know full well what each client is facing when new in recovery.

By sharing their hope, strength and experience with their clients, counselors and therapists at 12 Palms Recovery Center can quickly gain their trust, and clients can feel secure in knowing that their thoughts, fears and feelings are understood. With a recovery treatment plan that places a heavy emphasis on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, each client at 12 Palms Recovery Center is given a plan of action that not only treats their alcohol addiction, but also gives them a blueprint for long-term quality sobriety.

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12 Palms Recovery Center: Drug Rehab Treatment with Compassion and Empathy

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12 Palms Recovery Center: Drug Rehab Treatment with Compassion and Empathy

All too often, addicts are recycled through drug rehab treatment facilities across the country, where they are given the basics of recovery, but little else. Sent back out into the world, they lack the foundation in sobriety necessary to sustain long-term recovery, and find themselves back in drug rehab once again, only to receive the same exact treatment they had previously undergone.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, their goal is to make sure that each and every client not only receives quality care and treatment, but is also given a blueprint for life.

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Residential Treatment Centers: How Group Counseling Can Best Effect Change

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Residential Treatment Centers: How Group Counseling Can Best Effect Change

For many addicts and alcoholics, they have spent much of their time while actively drinking and drugging in active denial, oftentimes shutting down their feelings and never being honest with themselves or anyone else about their actions and behavior.

Once they have made the decision to seek recovery, the very idea of opening up to complete strangers about their lives at residential treatment centers is a scary proposition. For years they sought to bury their true feelings by medicating themselves, and now faced with the prospect of being honest with themselves and others, the walls that they have built up within themselves seem almost impossible to break through.

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Alcoholism Treatment: How Should I Approach my Loved One About Their Drinking?

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Alcoholism Treatment: How Should I Approach my Loved One About Their Drinking?

For many families, having to deal with a family member who is actively in the throes of their addiction can be devastating in many ways. No amount of prodding, pleading, begging or screaming at their loved one seems to get through or lead to alcoholism treatment. The family continues to be torn apart by the actions and behaviors of their loved one when actively drinking or drugging, and its effect on each family member can be manifested in many different ways.

Oftentimes, family members and significant others try suggesting to their loved one that they have a problem and need alcoholism treatment, only to be met with stiff resistance and denial of any problem. However, when confronted by a group of family members and loved ones, the suggestion then carries a whole lot more weight.

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Alcohol Treatment: Are the 12 Steps Still a Viable Treatment Option?

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Alcohol Treatment: Are the 12 Steps Still a Viable Treatment Option?

In recent years, a large number of substance abuse rehab centers have opened, and many of them proclaim to have the latest and greatest treatment modalities, replacing so-called “outdated” alcohol treatment plans.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, there is one method of alcohol treatment that will never be regarded as “outdated,” and that’s the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

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Can Drug Rehab Treatment Really Restore My Life?

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Can Drug Rehab Treatment Really Restore My Life?

The disease of addiction is a disease of deception. It deceives addicts into thinking that their drug use is normal. It’s the only disease in the world that tells you that you don’t have a disease.

As a result, addicts lose themselves in their addiction, and they oftentimes lose everything that’s near and dear to them, including their hopes and dreams.

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Addiction Takes No Breaks, Why Should a Drug Rehab Facility?

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Addiction Takes No Breaks, Why Should a Drug Rehab Facility?

For any addict that has achieved long-term recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, they know how hard their addiction works to constantly try and destroy their lives. For them, it doesn’t matter how long they have remained sober, they only know that if they become complacent in their recovery even for just a few minutes, their addiction will work to attack once again.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab facility that fully understands how the disease of addiction works to destroy lives at a moment’s notice. As a leading Florida drug rehab center, 12 Palms has developed a full suite of treatment options for its clients that doesn’t just educate them about addiction, but gives them a complete set of tools and resources necessary to fight their addiction each and every day.

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Finally Seeing the Light in Alcohol Treatment

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Finally Seeing the Light in Alcohol Treatment

For anyone who is struggling with alcohol addiction, the very thought of living life without alcohol for even one day is a scary proposition. Many have used alcohol to feel better about themselves, or to mask other feelings they’re trying to suppress. Living life without their magic elixir doesn’t seem possible.

However, at some point, alcohol stops working. No matter how much they try to drink, the pain is still there, and the feelings they’re trying to suppress won’t disappear. Alcohol is no longer their friend.

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Addiction Treatment: Personalized Attention With a Caring Counselor

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Addiction Treatment: Personalized Attention With a Caring Counselor

The 12 Palms Difference is a staple of five major components in the addiction treatment plan at 12 Palms Recovery Center, encompassing real recovery, non-hospital setting, practical approach, outside fun and personalized attention.

It’s the personalized attention that helps set 12 Palms Recovery Center apart from many other treatment programs in Florida. 12 Palms employs a staff of 25 dedicated employees, including six counselors and therapists, all of whom are licensed in substance abuse treatment, social work and/or addiction therapies. Since 12 Palms Recovery Center maintains a census of approximately 25 clients, each client receives a personalized level of care not often found in other drug and alcohol treatment centers.

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Can a Drinking Rehab Cure Me of My Cravings?

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Can a Drinking Rehab Cure Me of My Cravings?

One of the characteristics of the disease of alcoholism is the cravings created by the disease. Anyone who is dependent on alcohol gets the craving to drink each and every day, and is often the roadblock in achieving long-term sobriety.

The question asked by many who are seeking recovery deals specifically with those cravings—can a drinking rehab cure me of my cravings?

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“If someone wants to get sober, this is a wonderful place to do it...12 Palms saved my life.”

— Fred





“When an addict is finally willing to admit that they are completely powerless over their addiction and need help recovering, they are left with a choice.”


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