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Doug Mead

Doug Mead

Doug Mead is a freelance writer who is also a recovering alcoholic with over 23 years of sobriety. Doug strongly believes in working with fellow recovering alcoholics and addicts who are new to recovery. 

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Dual Diagnosis

On its own, drug or alcohol addiction is debilitating and can often lead to devastating results. For some, it’s even more daunting when dealing with a dual diagnosis.

Dual diagnosis occurs when an addict is also afflicted with a mental disorder, such as depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia and other personality disorders. In some cases, the mental disorder causes the addiction, leading people to use drugs or alcohol as a means of medication to feel better. Other times, the addiction itself leads a person to experience mental disorders.

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12 Palms Recovery Center: Drug Rehab Treatment with Compassion and Empathy

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12 Palms Recovery Center: Drug Rehab Treatment with Compassion and Empathy

All too often, addicts are recycled through drug rehab treatment facilities across the country, where they are given the basics of recovery, but little else. Sent back out into the world, they lack the foundation in sobriety necessary to sustain long-term recovery, and find themselves back in drug rehab once again, only to receive the same exact treatment they had previously undergone.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, their goal is to make sure that each and every client not only receives quality care and treatment, but is also given a blueprint for life.

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What Constitutes a Best Rehab

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drug rehab activities fishing  at the pier

So, you’re searching through the internet because you’ve been abusing drugs and/or alcohol, and you’re looking for rehab treatment programs in Florida that can help you find a quality life in recovery.

But all you’re finding are websites that bill themselves as the ‘best rehab.’

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Can drug addiction rehabs help repair my family relationships?

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Can drug addiction rehabs help repair my family relationships?

Oftentimes, drug addicts are completely unaware of the devastation they are causing in the lives of those around them, especially within their own families. Family members themselves will yell, scream, withdraw, cajole, rant, criticize, understand, negotiate, get fed up and try any other number of ways to manage their loved ones’ addiction, to no avail.

As a result, the family becomes so intensely focused on trying to fix their loved one’s addiction that they have lost the ability to be themselves and to communicate honestly, while the addict just continues on, either not knowing or not caring how their family is dealing with their actions and behavior.

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Addiction Treatment: How Can My Family Help with my Aftercare Plan?

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Addiction Treatment: How Can My Family Help with my Aftercare Plan?

For any addiction treatment plan to be truly effective, it’s of vital importance for each alcoholic and addict to continue on the path toward long-term sobriety in the days, months and years after they have completed inpatient rehab treatment.

While many qualified addiction treatment centers offer sound after rehab programs, 12 Palms Recovery Center believes in implementing an after rehab treatment plan for its clients, for it's clients that also in many ways maps out how family members can assist their loved ones in their recovery as well.

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12 Palms: A path of recovery in alcohol rehab that leads to peace of mind

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12 Palms: A path of recovery in alcohol rehab that leads to peace of mind

One of the things that I learned early on in my recovery from alcoholism was that as long as I continued drinking, peace of mind was never going to be achieved. Considering the path my life took in the months and years preceding my decision to enter alcohol rehab, they were absolutely right.

So, what do I do to stop the pain in my head? That’s the question that many alcoholics face in early recovery. At 12 Palms Recovery Center, that answer can be found.

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Alcohol Rehabilitation: Getting Over the Fear of Detox

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Alcohol Rehabilitation: Getting Over the Fear of Detox

As a recovering alcoholic with over 22 years of sobriety, I have been blessed with the opportunity to help a number of fellow alcoholics new in recovery. Recently, a good friend who sought out my help was deathly afraid of one particular thing—going through detox.

In years past, alcohol rehabilitation didn’t have the resources available today with modern technology and medical advances, so detoxification from alcohol could indeed be very painful to endure. Detox symptoms can vary depending on the length of use and average amount of alcohol consumed daily. Nausea, vomiting, headaches, insomnia, the shakes (delirium tremens or DTs) are the more common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, however, for alcoholics who have been drinking for longer periods of time, symptoms can be severe.

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The importance of a safe detox process during drug rehabilitation

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The importance of a safe detox process during drug rehabilitation

For many addicts who have made the decision to enter drug rehabilitation after a life filled with pain and misery, they will need to go through a period of safe detox before dealing with other factors associated with the addiction, and it’s important to understand the safe detox process thoroughly.

First, safe detox can be very uncomfortable. The process of safe detox involves removing all of the harmful toxins that are brought into the body by drugs. Withdrawal symptoms are the side effects that occur during the safe detox process, and if left unsupervised by a certified medical professional can be very dangerous.

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Addiction Takes No Breaks, Why Should a Drug Rehab Facility?

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Addiction Takes No Breaks, Why Should a Drug Rehab Facility?

For any addict that has achieved long-term recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, they know how hard their addiction works to constantly try and destroy their lives. For them, it doesn’t matter how long they have remained sober, they only know that if they become complacent in their recovery even for just a few minutes, their addiction will work to attack once again.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab facility that fully understands how the disease of addiction works to destroy lives at a moment’s notice. As a leading Florida drug rehab center, 12 Palms has developed a full suite of treatment options for its clients that doesn’t just educate them about addiction, but gives them a complete set of tools and resources necessary to fight their addiction each and every day.

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A Rehab Center That Offers a High Level Quality of Care

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A Rehab Center That Offers a High Level Quality of Care

If you are a person struggling with a dependency on alcohol and/or drugs, and you are looking for a rehab center that will help you attain a long-term life in sobriety, there is really only one facility to consider when it comes to a level of quality care—12 Palms Recovery Center.

There are no doubt other substance abuse rehabilitation centers across the country that can help you with your addiction, but 12 Palms Recovery Center offers a recovery program with a staff of caring and dedicated counselors, therapists and technicians who offer much more than just education.

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