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Dual Diagnosis: Understanding and Treating the Root of Addiction

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Does this sound like you? You suffer from unbearable anxiety, or crushing depression, but you were too embarrassed or ashamed to seek professional help, so you turned to alcohol or drugs to escape the mental pain and seek relief…

…or perhaps you’ve been diagnosed as bi-polar, but the meds you’ve been prescribed numbed you up too much, made you feel dead inside, so you decided to use alcohol or drugs to ‘even out’ your emotions.

But now, the problem is that the “cure” has become the illness, and you can’t stop.

You’re not alone.

Consider that an estimated 40 million Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder, and 19 million suffer from major depressive disorder, and it’s easy to understand how someone might turn to alcohol or drugs for relief—and how that can turn into a self-destructive pattern of addiction.

In fact, a co-occurring mental or emotional disorder is an all-too common problem with someone struggling with substance abuse. As described above, your addiction may have started with an attempt to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs in an attempt to control underlying emotional or mental disorders, such as PTSD, depression, anxiety or bi-polar disorder.

While many residential treatment centers will typically treat the disease of addiction, they don’t always treat the underlying emotional or mental issues that may have caused or exacerbated your addiction. But treating the addiction alone isn’t enough.

Addiction treatment is a scary proposition, but when emotional and mental disorders are underlying factors, recovery can seem like an impossible task. 12 Palms Recovery Center understands your fears, and can help. At 12 Palms Recovery Center, compassionate staff members are recovering alcoholics and addicts themselves, and fully understand that the process of recovery can appear to be frightening, especially when emotional and mental disorders are co-occurring as well.

At 12 Palms, both your addiction and the factors that led to it are addressed, for greater chances of an enduring recovery. By identifying underlying emotional and mental issues, the staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center can then properly diagnose your condition and put forth an effective, individualized addiction treatment plan.

Understanding all of the factors that led to your addiction is an important part of the overall recovery process. Let us help you get your life back.


Paul Lambrakis is a freelance writer who combines his personal insight and experience with thorough research to engage, inform and empower his readers. In his writing, he also strives to provide hope and encouragement to those seeking a path to recovery.



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