Substance Abuse Rehab Centers

For many alcoholics and addicts, the decision to seek treatment at a substance abuse rehabilitation facility often comes after many years of drinking and drugging that devastated their lives and the lives of family and loved ones. Faced with choosing from a variety of substance abuse rehab centers, an addict is making a decision that will affect the rest of their life.

safe-santuary-drug-rehab12 Palms Recovery Center in Jensen Beach, Florida is a drug abuse rehab that can help. As one of the leading rehabs in Florida, 12 Palms Recovery Center offers a comprehensive substance abuse rehabilitation program that combines years of experience with its certified staff along with time-tested treatment plans to provide each client with the exact tools and resources needed to start a successful recovery process from their addiction.

Many treatment programs in Florida are designed to treat the addiction itself. 12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida drug rehab center that believes in a comprehensive approach to recovery that gives each client  a realistic chance for a fulfilling life in sobriety. Many substance abuse rehab centers preach from a podium on how to recover, and addicts are often sent on their way with just a guideline of how to live their life without drugs or alcohol. 12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab in FL that engages its clients in recovery from day one, allowing them to experience a life in recovery by allowing them to participate in real life daily activities with the tools and resources necessary for recovery.

There are a number of rehabs in FL that have a suite of substance abuse rehabilitation programs that are helpful for addicts, but 12 Palms Recovery Center doesn’t just give their clients the tools and resources before sending them on their way. With its suite of programs, the dedicated staff of counselors and therapists at 12 Palms Recovery Center tailors a treatment plan for each addict that includes one-on-one counseling, group therapy sessions, daily goal planning, attendance at AA and NA meetings, introduction to the 12 Steps, and many extracurricular activities that encourage addicts to actively apply what they are learning in recovery.

12-palms-recovery-diningSubstance abuse rehab centers are terrific venues for recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, however there are times when substance abuse rehab centers farther away from home can be very beneficial for patients who want to completely focus on their recovery. 12 Palms Recovery Center, with its comfortable accommodations in a beautiful subtropical climate, is a drug abuse rehab that offers a respite from the pressures of home, giving its clients a safe environment that promotes a feeling of security.

12 Palms Recovery Center offers facilities that are private in nature, with comfortable sleeping quarters both in the main plantation house or in surrounding quaint cottages. While other treatment programs in Florida can certainly offer fine accommodations as well as superior treatment options, 12 Palms also has a private chef that carefully prepares well-balanced meals so that each patient can once again learn how to eat right—a fact largely ignored when actively using drugs or alcohol.
Substance abuse rehabilitation involves re-learning daily structure and discipline, and while many substance abuse rehab centers stress a program that focuses on these important aspects, 12 Palms Recovery Center is a rehab in FL that actively encourages each client to participate fully in their daily planning through a set of goals set forth by the clients themselves. Clients can then monitor their own progress in recovery when setting their own goals.

Substance abuse rehab centers are meant to serve as a safe haven for addicts attempting to recover—12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab in FL that not only provides the peace and serenity needed for a successful start to recovery, but also gives each client the opportunity to experience the benefits of a successful life in recovery as well.


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“If someone wants to get sober, this is a wonderful place to do it...12 Palms saved my life.”

— Fred

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“When an addict is finally willing to admit that they are completely powerless over their addiction and need help recovering, they are left with a choice.”

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