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Can drug addiction rehabs help repair my family relationships?

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Can drug addiction rehabs help repair my family relationships?

Oftentimes, drug addicts are completely unaware of the devastation they are causing in the lives of those around them, especially within their own families. Family members themselves will yell, scream, withdraw, cajole, rant, criticize, understand, negotiate, get fed up and try any other number of ways to manage their loved ones’ addiction, to no avail.

As a result, the family becomes so intensely focused on trying to fix their loved one’s addiction that they have lost the ability to be themselves and to communicate honestly, while the addict just continues on, either not knowing or not caring how their family is dealing with their actions and behavior.

Many drug addiction rehabs focus on the addict and their recovery, with treatment modalities designed to serve only the addict. However, at 12 Palms Recovery Center, family counseling is a major component of their comprehensive drug treatment plan.

Clients often enter drug addiction rehabs through family intervention, or at the insistence of loved ones who just want their family member to recover from the addiction and become the person they once were. However, 12 Palms Recovery Center understands that family members need counseling as well, as they have been severely traumatized by the actions and behavior of their loved one during the throes of their addiction.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida drug rehab center that places a heavy emphasis on restoring broken family relationships. Regular counseling sessions are conducted with clients and their family members, either in person or via scheduled teleconferences. Counselors at 12 Palms will work to break down the walls that have been set up by family members who shut down emotionally when dealing with their loved one’s addiction. Oftentimes, family members will be urged to seek help through several different treatment methods, including Al-Anon, Nar-Anon and several other options designed to help family members understand how their actions and behaviors were affected by their loved one’s addiction.

Family members may have been very well-meaning in their attempts to help their loved ones who were active in their addiction, but oftentimes they were unaware that they became trapped in a cycle of codependency and enabling. Counselors at 12 Palms Recovery Center will work with each family member to help them recognize and deal with their negative behavior patterns, and help them reconcile their feelings so that they can be of greater support to their loved ones during their recovery.

In any quality residential drug treatment center, the focus is on the client’s physical and mental recovery from the deadly disease of addiction. However, at 12 Palms Recovery Center, they recognize the needs of family members and how important repairing broken relationships can be to the overall picture in the client’s long-term success in sobriety.


Doug Mead is a freelance writer who is also a recovering alcoholic with over 23 years of sobriety. Doug strongly believes in working with fellow recovering alcoholics and addicts who are new to recovery. 



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