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Court-Ordered Substance Abuse Treatment

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By some estimates, as many as 60% of people attending drug rehab programs have legal problems as a result of their drug and alcohol use. Many may actually be in court-ordered treatment – when a judge rules that a substance abuser may lack the internal motivation necessary to stop using drugs. Court-ordered treatment may be the only way to help someone to stop using and start recovery. If the substance abuser can get the help he or she needs, the thought is that the drug-related activity will decrease, or even cease to exist. One of the main goals of court ordered treatment is to get people to remain drug-free and reduce drug crimes.

Substance abusers view being forced into rehab in different ways; some fight it with everything they have just because they didn’t choose it. Others learn to embrace the opportunity early on, realizing that full participation is crucial to get the most out of the treatment program. Court-ordered treatment may be the answer they have been waiting for.

In many cases, the judge allows the individual to make their own choice about what treatment program they will attend. That said, the program must be on an approved list of facilities. One major decision to be made is whether to enter an inpatient residential style treatment program or an outpatient one. Given the option, many choose residential style treatment because of round-the-clock care and top amenities. Some, however, will opt for an outpatient drug rehab, so that they can be near friends and family during the recovery process.

Although court-ordered treatment laws can vary from state to state, more judges are realizing there is a greater chance of a substance abuser becoming an active and productive member of society again by going to a successful rehab program instead of jail. Because states also take into consideration how family and friends can help loved ones suffering from drug addiction, it is important to know your state’s laws. Information regarding these laws can be found through your state’s Department of Health and Human Services or Substance Abuse Agency.

In Florida – where 12 Palms Recovery center is located – The Marchman Act stipulates that if an individual has a substance abuse problem and is deemed to be a threat to themselves or others, they can be court-ordered to complete a drug addiction treatment program or an alcohol rehab, typically in a “lock-down” facility if they are resistant to entering rehab.

If you have a loved one who is facing court-ordered treatment – or are someone who is being legally mandated to undergo treatment – 12 Palms Recovery Center can help. 12 Palms can intercede on your behalf to ensure that you or your loved one understands that they need help, which we provide in a supporting, healing environment where there is no lockdown.

12 Palms can help an unwilling substance abuser to understand that if they show flexibility and an open mind towards rehab, a court-ordered treatment is not a “prison sentence” at all, but a golden opportunity to heal. 12 Palms is a safe place where they can finally face the emotions and behaviors that led them to this place, and where they can receive effective treatment to ensure a lasting recovery – and a fuller, happier life ahead.


Paul Lambrakis is a freelance writer who combines his personal insight and experience with thorough research to engage, inform and empower his readers. In his writing, he also strives to provide hope and encouragement to those seeking a path to recovery.



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