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Posted by on in Drug & Alcohol Rehab

By some estimates, as many as 60% of people attending drug rehab programs have legal problems as a result of their drug and alcohol use. Many may actually be in court-ordered treatment – when a judge rules that a substance abuser may lack the internal motivation necessary to stop using drugs. Court-ordered treatment may be the only way to help someone to stop using and start recovery. If the substance abuser can get the help he or she needs, the thought is that the drug-related activity will decrease, or even cease to exist. One of the main goals of court ordered treatment is to get people to remain drug-free and reduce drug crimes.

Substance abusers view being forced into rehab in different ways; some fight it with everything they have just because they didn’t choose it. Others learn to embrace the opportunity early on, realizing that full participation is crucial to get the most out of the treatment program. Court-ordered treatment may be the answer they have been waiting for.

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A Rehab Center That Offers a High Level Quality of Care

Posted by on in Drug & Alcohol Rehab

A Rehab Center That Offers a High Level Quality of Care

If you are a person struggling with a dependency on alcohol and/or drugs, and you are looking for a rehab center that will help you attain a long-term life in sobriety, there is really only one facility to consider when it comes to a level of quality care—12 Palms Recovery Center.

There are no doubt other substance abuse rehabilitation centers across the country that can help you with your addiction, but 12 Palms Recovery Center offers a recovery program with a staff of caring and dedicated counselors, therapists and technicians who offer much more than just education.

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