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Getting Over the Fear of Drug Rehab

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Getting Over the Fear of Drug Rehab

For many addicts, they were often fearless when indulging in their drug of choice, often putting themselves in dangerous situations during the throes of their addiction. They were relentless in the pursuit of the drug that they so craved, damn the circumstances.

However, once faced with the prospect of recovery, all of a sudden that fearlessness that they experienced during their active drug use has now become a burden of fear.

Drug rehab is a scary proposition for many addicts, and for a variety of reasons. The first fear commonly faced is the fear of withdrawal. While many addicts experienced some type of withdrawal during their active drug use, they simply turned back to the drug to escape the withdrawal symptoms. They know how tough the withdrawal symptoms are, so the thought of it without their drug of choice is overpowering.

12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab that puts that biggest fear to rest. With a caring staff of technicians medically certified in detoxification, the withdrawal symptoms will be monitored with great care. In certain cases, medication may be required to deal with more harsh symptoms, but clients can feel secure in the knowledge that 12 Palms staff members will be carefully guiding them through the detoxification process.

Another big fear faced by many addicts is the prospect of having to deal with their past openly and honestly. Oftentimes, the actions and behaviors of addicts during their active drug use led to broken relationships with family members and friends. Once clean and sober for a period of time, the fear of dealing with those actions can be overbearing.

The drug addiction treatment programs offered at 12 Palms Recovery Center are specifically designed to help each addict learn how to confront that fear head on—family meetings are scheduled to help addicts repair broken relationships with their loved ones, and through the 12-Step program created by Alcoholics Anonymous, each client is given the tools and resources needed to help deal with the fear of past actions.

When dealing with fear, it can be a stumbling block for many addicts. However, 12 Palms Recovery Center is a drug rehab that can and will help each client deal with that fear in a positive way.


Doug Mead is a freelance writer who is also a recovering alcoholic with over 23 years of sobriety. Doug strongly believes in working with fellow recovering alcoholics and addicts who are new to recovery. 



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