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Finding Positive Influences

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Regardless of who you are, the power of positive influences in one’s life cannot be underestimated. Positive influences can help inspire and motivate you. It stands to reason, that if you surround yourself with positive people and pleasant experiences, then your mental energy can be shifted to a higher, more harmonious level with the world.

In addiction recovery, positive influences are important to help support long-term recovery efforts. Positive influences, such as your group sponsor or a close friend can offer support for you during trying times. Such individuals have your best interests at heart and can encourage you to believe in yourself and set healthy goals in life. Positive influences can come in many forms. Letting go of the negative influences in your life can make room for positive energy to flow in. Where does one find positive influences?


5 FREE tips to positively influence your life right now!


  1. Get a pet. Pets can be very therapeutic for individuals dealing with trauma. A pet teaches us to open up our heart and give and receive love unconditionally. Pets offer loving affection and opportunities for laughter. Pets can provide a sense of purpose for people in transition as well. If you have ever had a pet, then you know the priceless bond that can form between you and a pet. It is a peaceful love that every human has an opportunity to experience. To search for rescue animals, visit: http://www.adoptapet.com.

  2. Join a support group. Addictrion recovery is not a road to travel solo. Look for a support group in your area. If you are burdened by the thought of speaking, don’t worry. There are no expectations. Just come as you are, speak or don’t speak. It’s up to you. But you can choose to be present and listen. Give yourself the opportunity to learn from and relate to other people’s experiences. When you isolate yourself from the world, life can feel like a struggle. As an addict, you are not alone. There is a vast world of support available to you where you will be accepted as you are without judgment. To find a meeting near you, visit Alcoholics Anonymous (http://aa.org/) and Narcotics Anonymous (http://na.org/).

  3. Get involved in the community. What interests do you or did you have before your life became unmanageable? Chances are those interests are still there waiting for you to develop. Go to http://www.meetup.com to search for groups in your area. If you are religious or spiritual in nature, you could join a nearby church or find a non-denominational group (unity.org).

  4. Start moving! Find your inner strength by developing your physical strength. Go for a walk or sign up for a free trial at a local gym. You could ask a neighbor to be your fitness buddy or join a walking club. Fitness centers offer a positive and safe environment where you can meet new friends, i.e. positive influences. Active individuals demonstrate motivation and discipline with consistency, as well as positive self-care.

  5. Volunteer. Giving of yourself is a selfless act that can open your heart. Regardless of your situation, there are individuals in less fortunate situations as you. Volunteering can offer you a new perspective on life. You can be inspired by those you help and by fellow volunteers. This is a good way to make new friends in the community that can provide a positive influence in your life.

If you are in addiction recovery and rebuilding your life for long-term success, start by taking one day at a time. Commit to staying engaged in life. Take care of yourself. And look for opportunities where you can make a difference in the lives of others. We all experience trying times in life. A support group can help guide you through the rough patches as you start to build a new positive social circle for yourself. 


Kim Johnson is a freelance writer with a background in journalism and psychology. Her work has supported various industries that include health, retail and finance. Kim is passionate about educating family members on the effects of codependency and the power of forgiveness. 



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