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Kim Johnson

Kim Johnson

Kim Johnson is a freelance writer with a background in journalism and psychology. Her work has supported various industries that include health, retail and finance. Kim is passionate about educating family members on the effects of codependency and the power of forgiveness. 

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Change is a very personal journey that naturally encounters resistance along the way. We really are creatures of habit, so when we decide to make major changes in our behavior, there is a part of us that wants to cling to the familiar routines and habits of daily life, even if those routines and habits are not good for us. For individuals that suffer from drug and alcohol addiction, change can be particularly frightening. On one hand, getting clean and sober means a better quality of life. But, the journey to get there that can be muddled with fear and confusion. Major life changes that impact one’s working and social relationships are often necessary.

Let’s take a look at the most common fears of rehab.

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There is no freedom greater than forgiveness. Whether you are entering rehab or living a life in recovery, forgiveness is a life-giving skill that you can develop. Forgiveness is something that you can readily give yourself at anytime. Right now, in fact. Repeat after me, “I forgive myself.” There can be no greater act of self-love than for you to gift yourself with these three simple words. Forgiveness is a large component of recovery. As you begin to live a clean and sober lifestyle, there will be issues from the past that beckon your attention. Destructive relationship patterns, missed opportunities, and family drama all require forgiveness and the acknowledgement that you cannot change the past. You have today and each day forward to put your best foot forward. Forgiving yourself for past actions, even when other people may not, is critical for you to be able to live a free and fulfilling life.

What if I can’t forgive myself?

Okay, let’s try this on for size and see what happens. Let’s say that you have a friend named Gina who recently completed a treatment program. She has had a difficult time over the past few years, but you are proud of her for persevering and choosing recovery. She was regularly attending support group meetings for a while, but lately you’ve noticed something seems amiss. Gina confides in you that she can’t forgive herself for the life she used to lead. She feels like a bad person because of all the pain she has caused herself and her loved ones. You notice Gina isn’t coming around much lately and attends support meetings every now and then. She has even started to miss work.

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Diet Drinks: A healthy replacement?

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Innocently enough, many turn to diet drinks as a safe alternative to sugar or alcoholic beverages. But, at what risk? Could you be exchanging one bad habit for another? Before you turn to diet drinks (as well as other “diet” or “sugar-free” foods), it’s important to be aware of the chemicals you could be consuming and the associated risks.

Here’s what you need to know about aspartame, the most common artificial sweetener lurking in low-calorie foods and beverages.

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The Importance of Managing Your Triggers

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Addiction recovery is a complex journey that requires a conscious daily commitment to long-term recovery. If you are in recovery, learning to manage your triggers can greatly increase your chances for long-term recovery.

What is a trigger?

A trigger is an activity, event, place, person or emotional state that triggers one’s desire to enact in a particular behavior. We all have triggers in life that can lead to self-destructive behavior. But for an addict in recovery, triggers can signal a dangerous road to relapse. Triggers encourage the desire to use drugs and/or alcohol and decrease the individual’s ability to exercise willpower in certain situations. Identifying these triggers and re-associating them with healthy replacement behaviors is essential for long-term recovery.

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Coping with the loss of a loved one from a drug or alcohol-related overdose

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The loss of a loved one is never an easy topic, regardless of the contributing circumstances. If you have lost a loved one to a drug or alcohol-related overdose, we at the 12 Palms Recovery Center extend our deepest sympathies to you.

During this difficult period, please give yourself time to grieve. As you know, your life will be changed forever. Grief recovery is a process that can take a long time for you to heal emotionally. Please be patient with yourself and accept the various emotions that you will experience. You will likely experience many different emotions that will include sadness, anger and self-blame. It is important to remind yourself that the passing of a loved one due to an overdose is not your fault. You, as a loved one, can only provide support to another. You cannot control or change another.

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Finding Positive Influences

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Regardless of who you are, the power of positive influences in one’s life cannot be underestimated. Positive influences can help inspire and motivate you. It stands to reason, that if you surround yourself with positive people and pleasant experiences, then your mental energy can be shifted to a higher, more harmonious level with the world.

In addiction recovery, positive influences are important to help support long-term recovery efforts. Positive influences, such as your group sponsor or a close friend can offer support for you during trying times. Such individuals have your best interests at heart and can encourage you to believe in yourself and set healthy goals in life. Positive influences can come in many forms. Letting go of the negative influences in your life can make room for positive energy to flow in. Where does one find positive influences?

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Posted by on in After Rehab

Okay, so you are considering entering a rehab treatment program. Have you considered what life after rehab is like? What happens when you leave the facility? Where and how does one begin a clean and sober life? What are the steps you can take now to start planning for long-term recovery?

Life after rehab needs to be carefully planned in order to support lasting recovery efforts. At the 12 Palms Recovery Center, we offer Individualized After Rehab Care Planning and work with our clients to develop a tailored plan of action that supports life after rehab. After Rehab Care Planning equips clients with the tools necessary to confidently re-enter society and gain a greater chance at long-term recovery.

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How to Identify Drug Addiction and Alcohol Dependency

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Are you struggling with drug and/or alcohol addiction? Do you suspect a loved one might be? Drug and alcohol addiction is a pervasive issue in this country that affects the lives of countless millions. In fact, more than 8 percent of the U.S. population is reportedly dependent on drugs and/or alcohol, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). And sadly, more than 94 percent of these individuals claim to not need treatment.

There are many steps to addiction recovery and the first step is to admit there is a problem. Knowing the symptoms of addiction can help you or a loved one break through the denial that is common in addiction. The next step is to seek addiction treatment. It cannot be stressed enough that addiction is a complicated disease that requires professional treatment.

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The First Steps Toward Recovery

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Making the decision to join a rehab program is certainly not an overnight decision. But if you allow yourself to take the first steps toward recovery, doors will be begin to open for you that can lead to a clean and rewarding way of life.


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Help us both! The Addict and Codependent

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It is the beauty of human nature to find joy in helping others. However, this willingness to help others can sometimes become self-destructive. If you are in a relationship with a family member who is struggling with addiction, whether that individual is a parent, a child, a significant other or even a friend, it is no easy role to be in. Of course you want to help the people you care for. But, it is extremely important to understand that just as an addict cannot control his or her drug addiction, neither can you control an addict’s behavior.

When helping another turns self-destructive, it is clear that a codependency has developed. Codependency can be described as an overwhelming desire to control another person’s behavior and to be significantly affected at a deep emotional level by another’s behavior. This is a particularly common feature of relationships that involve drug and alcohol addictions. In a relationship with an drug addict, an individual’s urge to help the addict becomes focused on controlling the addictive behaviors of the loved one. This intent to “fix” a loved one is well-intentioned, but a dangerous losing battle. Overtime this pursuit can lead to a loss of self and an obsession with the addict’s behaviors. Resentments will naturally develop for both individuals in the relationship, turning the relationship into a self-destructive nightmare.

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