Effective Alcohol Rehab

Spirit and Science, Body and Family - Welcome to 12 Palms Recovery Center

Alcohol addiction is a formidable opponent. Successfully beating substance abuse to lead a sober, satisfying lifestyle often stands as one of life’s greatest accomplishments. If you are searching for an effective alcohol rehab for yourself or someone you love, call 12 Palms right now. We can help you find a path to freedom with a medically-assisted detox, a holistic multidisciplinary approach and incredible luxurious amenities, starting today.

Call 866-471-8549 to get help now

An Individualized Approach to Alcohol Addiction Recovery

The 12 Palms Model for treatment incorporates a variety of the latest techniques and the most time-proven methods, producing a life-lasting recovery for our clients. The process begins with a medically-assisted detoxification, which makes the early days of withdrawal safer and more comfortable for our clients. Once thoroughly detoxed, our clients begin intense therapy and alcohol counseling; as the root causes of addiction present, we teach our clients the techniques they’ll need to cope in the world outside rehab without alcohol.

Because 12 Palms only accepts up to 30 clients at one time and we maintain a staff-to-client ratio of 5-to-1, we can offer more one-to-one counseling than most other rehabs in the field. We are uniquely positioned to adjust treatment the instant change occurs, and because our staff is comprised of recovered addicts, we teach — and demonstrate — what a practical, real life recovery looks like.

The Reality of 12 Palms Recovery Center

Many alcohol recovery centers forbid access to communications technology. They confine their clients to hospital-style quarters or treat the rehabilitation process as punishment. At 12 Palms, we take the opposite approach — we believe our recovering family members need competent care and compassionate understanding, and that includes having access to cell phones and laptop computers.

This means our clients have access to supportive family and friends. They learn to manage the everyday stresses of life under the watchful eyes of our counselors, who teach them the best ways to handle pressure without alcohol. Quite simply, our clients learn to love a sober lifestyle by reengaging with life and rebuilding damaged relationships.

If you believe you or someone you love needs help, contact 12 Palms Recovery Center now. We can help find a path to freedom, starting today.

Call 866-471-8549 to get help now

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