Family Counseling

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Support for Families

The 12 Palms Recovery Center treatment team understands clients aren't alone in needing assistance healing from the damaging effects of substance abuse. Our drug addiction support services include programs for the entire family that mends codependency as well as feelings of guilt and hopelessness.

Resources for Families Struggling with Substance Abuse

Our family support programs begin with an education on the disease of addiction, the process of substance abuse recovery and how the addiction and recovery processes affect family relationships. Family members can share the pain they experienced as a result of the dependency in a completely compassionate, supportive and confidential forum. In this way, both family members and clients begin to reengage with one another in a safe and loving environment as they demonstrate mutual understanding.

Answering Your Questions

The 12 Palms Recovery Center staff is uniquely positioned to address your family's most pressing questions and concerns because many of our counselors and specialists are recovered alcoholics and addicts themselves. Medical Director Dr. Victor Balta has over 20 years' experience working in addiction and psychiatric therapy; Clinical Director Loretta Lukic is certified in a diverse array treatments; therapists Kevin Gillen and Tom Edwards specialize in holistic, spiritual and practical approaches to recovery.

For many families, 12 Palms Recovery Center is the starting point for learning about the disease of addiction. Many don't realize that they themselves may need a safe, confidential forum to discuss their own healing processes. We focus on providing the tools that families and clients need to reengage with each other and their lives for a life-lasting real recovery.

The 12 Palms Recovery Center

Unlike other rehabilitation centers, our treatment center provides a practical approach to sustaining a life-affirming recovery to substance abuse. It isn't like going to jail or the hospital. Instead, we offer our clients the opportunity to heal in a well-appointed, relaxed and supportive setting. Cell phones are permitted and so are laptop computers. You can also rest assured that you'll be able to speak with your loved one, because we believe learning to reengage with life in a safe environment increases the chances of success.

Contact 12 Palms and discover how we can help your loved one remember how to live a sober, productive and fun lifestyle today.