Real Recovery

Compassionate, Real Recovery at 12 Palms Recovery Center

Some rehab centers only offer a superficial, education-only based approach to recovery. At 12 Palms, our compassionate, competent staff is comprised of recovering alcoholics and addicts themselves, making us uniquely positioned to help you or a loved one through our life-affirming recovery process.

Learning to Live a High Quality Life in Sobriety

The recovery process begins when our clients are ready to live beyond finding their drug of choice to escape the stresses of work, family, destructive relationships, financial pressures and more. Our practical, multidisciplinary approach includes pharmacological treatment to manage the uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous symptoms of withdrawal as well as individual and group therapy sessions that address a broad array of addiction and mental health problems.

The Tools and Resources You Need to Achieve Long-Term Sobriety

Our highly individualized treatment program includes unlimited access to cell phones and laptop computers as well as business associates and family members because we provide our clients with the tools and resources to deal with the realities of life effectively. Because each and every one of our staff members are recovering alcoholics and addicts themselves, our real recovery approach is empathetic and realistic; they lead by example while providing the treatment our clients need.

A Custom Treatment Plan for You or Your Loved One

Although some treatment centers offer a one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, we believe a non-cookie-cutter approach best helps our clients realize satisfying, long-lasting sobriety. In addition to intensive one-to-one individual therapy sessions, we also provide small group therapy meetings as well as access to 12 Step recovery meetings outside the Recovery Center that let our clients learn to reengage with the outside world in a productive, healthy way. Our clients also participate in peer meetings, which provides a sense of responsibility, commitment and accountability.

Let 12 Palms Recovery Center demonstrate how we can teach the real life recovery skills that remind our clients that living life sober is fun and productive. At 12 Palms, we include each and every client as part of our recovery family; we will help you on your journey to a full recovery.