
Begin the Rest of Your Life with 12 Palms Aftercare Planning

Many rehab patients find life outside the clinic challenging at best and disastrous at worst. With the 12 Palms Recovery Center's aftercare planning program, our clients and families leave our property with the tools and resources they need to restart a healthy lifestyle.

The 12 Palms Real Recovery Program

Clients and families who feel positively about the rehabilitation experience at 12 Palms often express concern and even anxiety over the potential for an abusive relapse. Once treatment is complete, our therapists and counselors perform a rigorous assessment of our clients' needs and provide each with a custom-designed aftercare treatment program that increases the chances of living a relapse-free and sober lifestyle.

We also don't forget about our clients' families.Just as our clients participate in a supportive aftercare program so do our clients' families, many of which are still healing from the damaging effects of substance abuse.When our clients and families continue active involvement with the supportive community at 12 Palms Recovery Center, the chances of success increase markedly.

Building a Support Network

Our aftercare program also lets recovering alcoholics and addicts build supportive relationships with others who have traveled similar life paths. These relationships help clients and their families build up on their newfound foundation of sobriety, in a safe, compassionate and empathetic way. Those with more experience living soberly can offer sound advice on maintaining the clean lifestyle, while those in a position of expertise benefit from acting as a mentor to those needing guidance.

The 12 Steps to a Clean and Sober Lifestyle

Part of the 12 Palms Recovery Center's program includes adherence to the world-renowned 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. These 12 steps provide recovering and recovered substance abusers with a clear path forward to a productive lifestyle of sobriety. When clients complete the everyday in-house care at 12 Palms, they often discover that continuing the process by following the 12 step protocol makes managing the stresses and joys of life a bit easier.

A Customized Approach

Because 12 Palms Recovery Center offers each and every client a unique path to their own sober lifestyle, we are proud to support our recovering family members with continued individualized treatment. Contact 12 Palms and find out how our real recovery approach can help you or a loved one reengage with once-loved people, work and activities today.