
Drug Intervention with 12 Palms Recovery Center

Many drug addicts and alcoholics, trapped in denial, find admitting that they are powerless over their addiction extraordinarily difficult. Loved ones, unsure where to turn, rely on drug intervention programs as a means of helping the addict begin a path to a life-lasting recovery. If your loved one's addiction to drugs requires immediate intervention, contact 12 Palms Recovery Center.

A Drug Interventionist On-Staff 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

Sometimes, an alcohol or drug intervention won't wait and that is why 12 Palms Recovery Center maintains a drug interventionist on staff every day, every hour. Our staff is comprised of recovered drug addicts and alcoholics who specialize in providing compassionate, empathetic and expert intervention care to clients and loved ones in their most desperate hours. For many families, a professional intervention is the difference between an addict entering an inpatient drug treatment program and returning to life-threatening behavior patterns.

The 12 Palms Drug and Alcohol Intervention Process

The 12 Palms Recovery Center interventionist begins the healing process by learning the addict's destructive behaviors and patterns, thus laying the groundwork for a personalized intervention. Next, the interventionist educates the addict's loved ones on what to expect during the intervention while helping coordinate its details. During the intervention, the addict's loved ones confront the addict about the ways the addiction has affected them personally.

Drug and alcohol interventions are frequently difficult and emotional for everyone present and they are only successful if the addict admits to his or her self-destructive behavior. As such, each and every one of our interventionists are specially trained to address the needs of each participant. In a successful intervention the addict acknowledges that his or her drug- and/or alcohol-fueled lifestyle has become unmanageable and hurtful to others. When this occurs, the interventionist works with the addict and his loved ones to outline a specific plan for recovery.

Following the Intervention

The real recovery begins following the addiction intervention. After entry into 12 Palms Recovery Center, our physicians and specialists help clients withdraw from alcohol and drug safely and with medical assistance. Next, clients begin one-to-one treatment, small group therapy and client-led therapy. Not only does 12 Palms Recovery Center employ a multidisciplinary approach to recovery, our staff are all recovered addicts themselves, making us uniquely positioned to provide compassionate, empathetic care.

We believe that clients must learn how to live life in the world outside rehab to be fully recovered. That is why we let our clients keep their cell phones and laptop computers; clients also maintain contact with family members and business associates. Learning how to cope with outside-world stressors without alcohol and drugs is essential for life-lasting recovery and our staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help our clients deal with everyday events soberly and effectively.

Contact 12 Palms and discover how our drug interventionists can help your loved one begin a path to a sober lifestyle.