Access to Nature

Rediscover Once-Loved Activities at 12 Palms Recovery Center

The counselors and specialists at 12 Palms Recovery Center understand that sober lifestylesneed regular fun and relaxation. That's why we make fun outdoor activities a natural part of our real recovery experience. Discover how 12 Palms can help you or your loved one rediscover the activities that once provided fulfillment.

Taking Fun Seriously

The 12 Palms Recovery Center approach to sobriety includes one-to-one therapy. It includes small group sessions and 12 Step programming. Our staff believes reengaging in fun, relaxing and healthy activities helps our clients remember why living a sober life is rewarding, we provide a diverse array of daily and weekend activities.

These activities include weekday trips to the fitness center because regular exercise is a proven mental health improvement technique. But because feeling good sober is about more than spending hours in the gym, we also provide relaxing and invigorating activities such as deep sea fishing and horseback riding. Our clients, golf, bowl and go to the movies. Beach volleyball and snorkeling are popular, as are kayaking and standup paddleboarding.

The point is, at 12 Palms we have a life-affirming fun activity that you or your loved one will enjoy.

Living Life in Recovery Instead of Living Life in a Recovery Center

Other treatment centers may excel at teaching you how to live life in rehab. At 12 Palms, we teach you how to live life in recovery, in outside-world settings. Our counselors and specialists believe that learning how to enjoy sober living means learning how to reengage with people, places and activities outside our beautiful grounds.

As a result, at 12 Palms each and every one of our clients enjoys full access to cell phones, laptop computers, business associates and family member. We give our clients the tools and resources that help address the joys — and stressors — that "real" life presents every day.

A Non-Clinical Recovery Setting in a Sub-Tropical Climate

We believe our temperate climate, located in Florida's sub-tropics, helps improve a client's state of mind. Our 10-acre waterfront grounds feature a plantation-style home as well as private and semi private cottages, incredible landscaping and a large swimming pool. It is as far away from a clinical setting as one can imagine because we believe this atmosphere best serves the recovery needs of our clients.

Contact us and discover how you or a loved one can learn to reengage with a fun, sober life.