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Are you addicted to alcohol? How to Spot the warning signs.

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It may start out as fun on the weekends. Then the weekends spill into weekdays, and suddenly the party is happening way too often. It may even begin to affect your relationships, your work, and more.

If you are wondering if you have a problem with alcohol or are worried that a family member, friend or co-worker might be abusing alcohol, you have already taken an important first step.

There is clinical difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism (also called alcohol dependence). Unlike alcoholism, alcohol abusers have some ability to set limits on their drinking, and often can use this as a way to deny they have a problem. However, alcohol abuse is still self-destructive and dangerous -- and it can progress into alcoholism. Both need help.

Warning signs of alcohol abuse can include:

  1. Repeatedly neglecting responsibilities because of drinking.
  2. Alcohol use in dangerous situations, like driving, operating machinery, mixing with prescription drugs or, in an unsafe area.
  3. Repeated legal problems due to drinking
  4. Continuing to drink even when alcohol is causing problems in your relationships with your friends and loved ones.

According to WebMd, Alcoholism is a long-term (chronic) disease. It's not a weakness or a lack of willpower. Like many other diseases, it has a course that can be predicted, has known symptoms, and is influenced by your genes and your life situation.

Warning Signs of alcohol dependence include:

  1. You cannot quit drinking or control how much you drink.
  2. You need to drink more to get the same effect.
  3. You have withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking. These include feeling sick to your stomach, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety.
  4. You spend a lot of time drinking and recovering from drinking
  5. You have given up other activities so you can drink.
  6. You have tried to quit drinking or to cut back the amount you drink but haven't been able to.
  7. You continue to drink even though it causes physical problems.

If you need to get help with Alcoholism and alcohol abuse, contact 12 Palms Rehab 


Bob Hopkins is a freelance writer and former journalist who has dealt with the difficult emotions of watching a loved one battle the disease of addiction. In this blog, he hopes to provide support and let those in a similar situation know that they are not alone.



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