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Recognizing habits that lead to drug and alcohol abuse

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Casual Use Can Lead to Drug and Alcohol Abuse

For many people, what starts as casual use can lead to drug and alcohol abuse. It may seem unfair -- as others may be able to casually use drugs or alcohol without the loss of control. And while the causes of addiction are not entirely known, what we can recognize are the habits that lead you to abuse drugs or alcohol.


Stages of Alcohol & Drug Addiction

According to the National Institutes of Health, there are several stages of drug use that may lead to dependence.

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Am I Enabling an Addict?

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One of the most difficult things to do, especially for a loved one, is to watch them battle addiction. For many of us, our first instinct when seeing someone in trouble, especially for parents, is to help. But many times this “help” is actually hurting – and you could be enabling addictive behavior.

How do you know? Like many issues dealing with drug or alcohol abuse, there are no easy answers. What’s worse, realizing that you are enabling addictive behavior is a difficult emotion to deal with – and many enablers make excuses for their own -- and their addicted loved one’s behavior.

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Are you addicted to alcohol? How to Spot the warning signs.

Posted by on in Drug & Alcohol Rehab

It may start out as fun on the weekends. Then the weekends spill into weekdays, and suddenly the party is happening way too often. It may even begin to affect your relationships, your work, and more.

If you are wondering if you have a problem with alcohol or are worried that a family member, friend or co-worker might be abusing alcohol, you have already taken an important first step.

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