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Bob Hopkins

Bob Hopkins

Bob Hopkins is a freelance writer and former journalist who has dealt with the difficult emotions of watching a loved one battle the disease of addiction. In this blog, he hopes to provide support and let those in a similar situation know that they are not alone.

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Emotional and Physical Disease

Addiction is both an emotional and physical disease. Many are surprised to learn that drugs not only damage the mind, but also the body, and physical activity is as important as counseling in helping an addict recover.

rehab Activities

12 Palms recovery Center offers a large air-conditioned private gym, where clients have access to a personal trainer to help heal the body while counseling sessions work on the soul. In addition, daily activities that prepare the patients for life after treatment are also slowly incorporated. These activities include everything from basic everyday tasks to life skills one can use to strengthen sobriety.

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5 Things Addicts Convince Themselves are True

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No doubt, if you have a loved one who is are abusing drugs or alcohol you’ve probably heard all the excuses in the book. And if you are abusing, you’ve probably used them all too. Here are some common myths addicts convince themselves are true, but are not.

addicts convince themselves

I can stop anytime I want

For an addict, using alcohol or drugs make them feel in control of their lives. Many addicts convince themselves that they only use by choice -- that they can stop anytime they want. But in reality, it is just the opposite. Drug and alcohol addiction controls the lives of the addict so much, they harm themselves and the ones that they love. Addicts cannot stop themselves, they need help from a treatment facility or program.

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Top 5 Things Not to Do During an Intervention

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An intervention can be a powerful tool a family can use to encourage someone who is abusing drugs or alcohol to seek the treatment they need. However, a poorly executed intervention can actually make matters worse. Here are 5 things not to do during an intervention.

top 5

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Importance of face time, 1 on 1 with a counselor

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Addiction is a disease, right?

In today’s “now” society, many of us are looking for a quick solution to a problem. Addiction is a disease, right? Isn’t there a medication that can cure it?

one on one counseling

While it is true that medication during treatment can help reduce cravings and withdrawal, addiction recovery requires the rewiring of the brain and medication alone is not enough. Addiction is more than just physical dependence. Even after detox and physical dependence is cured, addicts are at high risk for relapse. Psychological and social factors are often powerful factors which can trigger relapse. Things such as the following can create ongoing urges to use drugs or alcohol:

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The Painkiller Problem

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Prescriptions for Opioids, or Painkillers

Over the past 20 years, prescriptions for opioids, or painkillers, has increased more than tenfold. And, not surprisingly, painkiller addiction has also tripled in just the last decade alone. While you may think these drugs are not as dangerous as “illegal” drugs, the truth is, according to Centers for Disease Control, painkillers kill twice as many people as cocaine and five times as many as heroin.

painkiller addiction treatment

High Risk of Addiction

Opioids, such as oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and meperidine (Demerol) are among the most powerful painkillers available. Originally designed to treat severe acute pain, such as following surgery, opioids are being increasingly used to treat chronic conditions such as arthritis, migraines, or back pain. This is highly controversial, however, because opioids target the the same brain receptors as heroin and carry a high risk of addiction.

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Dealing with resistance to treatment

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You often hear that the first step to recovery is recognizing that you have a problem, and need help. But what if your loved one is resistant to drug treatment? What should you do?

drug rehab treatment resistance

The answer, unfortunately, is complicated. Family and loved ones typically advocate seeking help faster than a drug or alcohol addict. While this situation is normal, it is no less frustrating. Professionals call this stage “resistance” and admit that it is one of the most difficult and complicated situations to treat.

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Recognizing habits that lead to drug and alcohol abuse

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Casual Use Can Lead to Drug and Alcohol Abuse

For many people, what starts as casual use can lead to drug and alcohol abuse. It may seem unfair -- as others may be able to casually use drugs or alcohol without the loss of control. And while the causes of addiction are not entirely known, what we can recognize are the habits that lead you to abuse drugs or alcohol.


Stages of Alcohol & Drug Addiction

According to the National Institutes of Health, there are several stages of drug use that may lead to dependence.

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About the Detoxification Process

For many addicts, the fear of detox may make them weary about seeking treatment at a rehabilitation facility. Many believe the process will be painful and unpleasant, but in reality, detox treatment is designed to be just the opposite -- as painless and smooth as possible.

detox common questions

So what can you expect when undergoing detox? Here are some answers to some common questions about the process. But remember, each program is designed for the needs of the individual -- and the detox experience can vary greatly from person to person.

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Dealing With the Disappointment of Multiple Relapse

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Non-stop Addiction Spanned for Decades

It was the first time in years that we had hope. It had been a rocky four weeks since my brother-in-law got out of jail on drug-related theft charges. And, for the first time, it was him who suggested that he needed help to combat a non-stop addiction that has now spanned decades.

He checked himself into a highly respected recovery center in New York. Cautiously, we were feeling optimistic; he seemingly was embracing the program and following a few weeks of treatment, they set him up in halfway house. It had strict rules, oversight, mandatory drug testing and of course, a zero tolerance policy regarding drug use. In addition to a warm bed and a safe room over his head, counselors worked with him to help find a skill he could apply to a steady job, or even better, a career.

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How to Deal with Triggers

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Identifying and Eliminating Triggers

How do you stop an addiction? Like any undesired behavior -- such as anger, drinking, smoking, emotional eating or drug use,it’s important to know what causes the behavior you are trying to change. Identifying and eliminating these “triggers” increases your likelihood of successfully combating your addiction.

Emotional triggers are much like physical triggers -- they cause an automatic response from the mind or body. A loud bang, for example -- may cause you to jump and feel a rush of adrenaline. Similarly for addicts, triggers often cause an automatic thought or feeling that leads to drinking or drug use.

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