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Life After Rehab

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There is no doubt that, for many addicts, facing their addictions head-on at a rehabilitation facility can be a difficult process. But what loved ones often do not plan for -- are the even more difficult days following an addict's time at a recovery center. The truth is, the first few weeks after rehab can be even worse worse for the struggling addict. They leave the facility facing shattered relationships, uncertain futures, and many times unemployment or even no place to call home. What’s worse -- they face these terrifying issues with less support than they had at the facility.

The first few weeks after treatment are critical to preventing a relapse-- and there are several things an addict can do to reduce the likelihood of relapse.

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Coping with the relapse of a loved one...and helping them get back on track

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You’ve done everything you can.  And, finally, you got the result you hoped for.  

Or so you thought.

Finally see a loved one make it to -- and through -- a rehab program can bring relief to many families.  But making it to rehab is not the end to the long road to addiction recovery.  Just the contrary, many times it is just the beginning.

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Addiction Recovery and Relapse

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What happens if it happens?

While rehab can lead to recovery, it is certainly not without struggle. Many recovered users experience a relapse during or after the addiction recovery process. That’s why it is important to understand that relapse is a process, not an event. In order to understand relapse prevention, you have to understand the stages of relapse. Relapse starts weeks or even months before the event of physical relapse.

Generally speaking, there are three stages of relapse:

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Rehab. Separating Fact from Fiction

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Let’s face it: the idea of going through rehab can be a daunting one. While deciding to enter a addiction treatment program is an crucial first step in the recovery process, too often the misconceptions and false beliefs about rehab programs can keep someone from getting the help they need. Some of the most common falsehoods about rehab are listed below – recognize any? If so, read on to gain a better understanding about how rehab works, and how it can help you or someone you love to live a life free of destructive addictions.

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Posted by on in Drug & Alcohol Rehab

There is no freedom greater than forgiveness. Whether you are entering rehab or living a life in recovery, forgiveness is a life-giving skill that you can develop. Forgiveness is something that you can readily give yourself at anytime. Right now, in fact. Repeat after me, “I forgive myself.” There can be no greater act of self-love than for you to gift yourself with these three simple words. Forgiveness is a large component of recovery. As you begin to live a clean and sober lifestyle, there will be issues from the past that beckon your attention. Destructive relationship patterns, missed opportunities, and family drama all require forgiveness and the acknowledgement that you cannot change the past. You have today and each day forward to put your best foot forward. Forgiving yourself for past actions, even when other people may not, is critical for you to be able to live a free and fulfilling life.

What if I can’t forgive myself?

Okay, let’s try this on for size and see what happens. Let’s say that you have a friend named Gina who recently completed a treatment program. She has had a difficult time over the past few years, but you are proud of her for persevering and choosing recovery. She was regularly attending support group meetings for a while, but lately you’ve noticed something seems amiss. Gina confides in you that she can’t forgive herself for the life she used to lead. She feels like a bad person because of all the pain she has caused herself and her loved ones. You notice Gina isn’t coming around much lately and attends support meetings every now and then. She has even started to miss work.

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How Interventions Work: Convincing and Consequences

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A rehab intervention effectively demonstrates the depth and severity of substance abuse and drug abuse to someone you love; it can help them get the help they need before it’s too late. Identifying addictive behavior and offering rehab as a solution are the goals of an rehab intervention. It is crucial that an intervention is not presented as a judgment or indictment of the person living with addiction.

It’s also important to remember that addiction is not a character flaw. It is a medical disease and as such, requires medical treatment. Although the careless behavior of those addicted to drugs and alcohol has very real and painful emotional consequences for those who love them, it is important that the rehab intervention not turn into a long blame session. Rather, the driving force of an intervention should be to say the most effective things in the most effective manner, to convince your loved one of the crucial need to enter rehab and receive medical treatment.

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Recovery Center Names New Clinical Director

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August 18, 2011  - In that capacity, she will be assuming responsibility for day to day clinical operations of the center, a rehabilitation facility that maintains a census of approximately 20 clients and specializes in attention to the alcoholic addict in a private, comfortable setting.


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12 Palms: A Drug Rehab Facility Offering More than Just a Promise

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The importance of a safe detox process during drug rehabilitation

When an drug addict is finally willing to admit that they are completely powerless over their addiction and need help recovering, they are left with a choice.

The choice of finding the right drug rehab facility.

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