Experienced Staff

Rehabilitation Professionals

Who can reach inside that cycle of addiction and find the person who once lead a happy and productive life and bring them home again?...

When an addict has finally made the decision to deal with their addiction and start on the path of recovery, they are looking for rehab professionals who can guide them through the recovery process with compassion and empathy. While many alcohol treatment programs and drug rehabilitation centers offer qualified professionals in the field of drug rehab treatment, 12 Palms Recovery Center in Jensen Beach, Florida offers a complete staff of caring professionals who have also walked in the very shoes of their clients.

alcohol-treatment-center-swimming-poolAt 12 Palms Recovery Center, each staff member is also a recovering addict or alcoholic, and knows full well what their clients are experiencing. The staff has dedicated their lives to helping others in recovery, and for their clients, it’s comforting knowing that they can talk with a counselor or therapist who has shared similar experiences in their own lives. For addicts who feel like their experiences are unique, knowing that others have gone through similar experiences brings a sense of relief and comfort.

Alcohol treatment centers across the country offer a suite of addiction treatment options that can start an addict or alcoholic on the path toward long-term sobriety, but at 12 Palms Recovery Center, clients can talk openly and honestly about their feelings, hopes, desires, wants and fears with an empathetic staff that experienced the same feelings in their own recovery.

With a staff of 24 dedicated employees that includes certified counselors, therapists, a Clinical Director, a psychiatrist, an interventionist and others, 12 Palms Recovery Center can offer a personalized service to each of its clients. With a census of approximately 24 clients, the staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center is fully equipped to treat all of its clients with its full suite of drug rehabilitation and alcohol rehabilitation treatment programs so that no client is left feeling like a number.

Because the rehab professionals at 12 Palms Recovery are also recovering alcoholics and addicts themselves, clients at 12 Palms Recovery Center can speak openly and honestly in one-on-one therapy sessions and in group counseling. Counselors and therapists can better gain the trust of their clients when a client feels at ease knowing their feelings are not unique.

12-palms-rehab-porch With a staff owned, managed and staffed by recovering alcoholics and addicts, 12 Palms Recovery Center is a rehabilitation center that can offer its clients complete peace of mind, knowing that they are being treated by a staff who is not only courteous, caring and professional, but also know exactly what their clients are going through on a daily basis. 12 Palms Recovery Center staff members knows that by relating their experience, strength and hope with their clients, they can affect a smooth recovery by relating to their clients’ issues.

With a rehabilitation center that cares about the needs of each client, 12 Palms Recovery Center is absolutely a place where every addict and alcoholic that walks through its doors can immediately feel a sense of empathy, compassion and care that makes them feel like a life in recovery is certainly worth living.


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“If someone wants to get sober, this is a wonderful place to do it...12 Palms saved my life.”

— Fred

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“When an addict is finally willing to admit that they are completely powerless over their addiction and need help recovering, they are left with a choice.”

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