Individualized After-Care Planning

After Rehab Care Designed for Long-Term Recovery

As part of the “12 Palms Difference,” the 12 Palms Recovery Center is a Florida drug rehab center that firmly believes in “real recovery” before and after drug rehab. This “real recovery” approach includes individualized after-care planning that is recommended after drug rehab has been completed in-house.

While at the 12 Palms Recovery Center, clients go through a rigorous assessment by the qualified staff of counselors and therapists. However, they don’t just design an in-treatment plan—they also include an extensive and individualized after-care planning program that is implemented after rehab. After-care planning is designed to give each client a greater chance for long-term recovery without relapse after drug rehab.

As a leading Florida drug rehab center, the 12 Palms Recovery Center equips clients with coping mechanisms and access to resources, such as support groups to attend after drug rehab. There are a number of treatment facilities that may call themselves one of the best rehab centers, however at the 12 Palms Recovery Center, our commitment extends in-house treatment to the family and after rehab care treatment options.

After drug rehab, the tools and resources supplied by the expert staff at the 12 Palms Recovery Center is similar to that of an owner’s manual for a brand new car. Oftentimes, new car owners refer to their owner’s manual to check on how best to maintain their new car. The tools and resources provided by the 12 Palms Recovery Center is in essence the owner’s manual for clients during and after rehab. By using the tools and resources provided for after rehab care, clients are equipped to manage their new clean and sober lifestyle and help prevent the temptation of relapse.


Support After Florida Alcohol Rehab

As a leading Florida alcohol rehab center, our clients at the 12 Palms Recovery Center are encouraged to participate in after rehab care which includes outside support group meetings, such as AA for ongoing maintenance and support. This helps clients start to build relationships with other recovering alcoholics and addicts and to find sponsors that can help guide them through a 12 Step program after rehab. This helps to build a stable structure in a recovering addict’s life after drug or alcohol rehab.

In some cases, the 12 Palms Recovery Center staff members may encourage clients to continue with ongoing outpatient drug rehab treatment as well. This is an effective tool after in-house rehab that can help clients build upon their new-found foundation of sobriety. This can be an important step after rehab care.

Staff members at the 12 Palms Recovery Center will also include a client’s family in individualized after-care planning as well. It’s of vital importance for recovering alcoholics and addicts to develop a support group of family and friends after rehab that will continue to support their clean lifestyle on an ongoing basis. Family group sessions after drug rehab often include suggestions and plans to help clients adjust and assimilate back into society as part of an after rehab care program.

The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous are designed to help recovering alcoholics and addicts maintain their sobriety. At the 12 Palms Recovery Center, each client is encouraged to work toward completion of the 12 Steps program during and after rehab. The 12 Steps are a powerful tool to maintain a clean and sober lifestyle after rehab care.


Best Rehab Centers in Florida

There are a number of executive drug rehab facilities that implement after-care planning. At the 12 Palms Recovery Center, each client is given a complete assessment and customized treatment plan that includes individualized after-care planning that works for them after rehab. Cookie-cutter plans just don’t work. Each individual is unique. As one of the best rehab centers in Florida, the 12 Palms Recovery Center recognizes the individuality of each client and tailors individualized after-care planning to meet the personal needs of each client after drug rehab at the facility.

Drinking rehab centers encourage attendance at outside AA meetings as does the 12 Palms Recovery Center. But we also include additional after rehab care treatment options to best fit the unique needs of each client. After rehab care includes a detailed plan of after-care that will give a recovering addict the best chance for long-term sobriety.


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“If someone wants to get sober, this is a wonderful place to do it...12 Palms saved my life.”

— Fred

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“When an addict is finally willing to admit that they are completely powerless over their addiction and need help recovering, they are left with a choice.”

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