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Ego and Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol part 2

Posted by on in Drug & Alcohol Rehab

In Part One of this blog, we investigated how the ego can be a major roadblock to recovery by making it harder for an addict to realize that they need help, and how it can increase their resistance to seeking help as well. However, even if an addict overcomes this block to recovery and undergoes rehab treatment, they must remain vigiliant to ego- driven emotions that can undermine treatment and lead to a relapse of self-defeating behaviors, including:

  1. Overconfidence: many addicts emerge from rehab feeling powerful from what they have accomplished. This often leads to an overconfidence that may cause them to associate with people with access to drugs or alcohol. Some recovering addicts may even believe that their addictions are cured, and they can now handle a small amount of the substance they are addicted to.

  2. Hopelessness: sometimes addicts feel hopeless during recovery due to persistent obsession and anxiety. This can quickly lead to feelings of fatalism – and potentially a relapse into substance use. Depression can remove the emotional reasons for continued diligence and discipline during recovery. Establishing a healthy balance between overconfidence and hopelessness is one of the most important steps in recovery and achieving it usually requires help.

  3. Pride: it is common for recovering addicts to allow their pride to prevent them from admitting to their ongoing struggle. In moments of temptation, it’s crucial for recovering addicts to reach out for help when they need it. Humility is of the utmost importance.

  4. Shame: can be one of the worst enemies of recovery. It can lead an addict to secrecy and despondency. Having a healthy awareness of personal failure and vulnerability is important, but shame can be toxic.

  5. Impatience: since addiction revolves around instant gratification, the ability to be patient and allow for delayed gratification must be cultivated over time. Unfortunately, that is a quality most addicts lack. Recovering addicts who place themselves in the care of professionals and submit to their treatment will cultivate patience over time.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, we understand how powerful ego-driven emotions are, and we know how to help you control them to ensure a lasting recovery. If you are tired of self-defeating behaviors, open yourself up to the advice and guidance of qualified and compassionate experts with personal addiction experience and the knowledge to beat it. Don’t waste another day stuck in a pattern of self-destruction. Let us help you find a future free from addiction.

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Ego and Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol part 1

Posted by on in Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Roadblocks to Drug and Alcohol Recovery

In psychoanalysis, the ego is the division of the psyche that is conscious; it controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external reality. It is your ego which also gives you self-pride and self-esteem, which are crucial for happiness and success in life. However, if you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, the ego can also become a major roadblock to recovery. An exaggerated sense of self-importance and conceit can trigger negative emotions that make it harder for an addict to realize that they need help, and can increase resistance to seeking help as well.

Ego may cause a drug user to ignore or deny the fact that his or her drug use is getting worse or is out of control. He or she may believe that quitting drug use would be a sign of weakness, and the idea of surrender is not an attractive concept. Many people with substance abuse issues truly believe that they are in complete control. Drug Rehab and recovery for individuals with a strong ego can be especially difficult, because they often enter rehab to appease those around them, but don’t genuinely believe that they need it. The may also fall prey to ego-driven thoughts, such as:

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