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Posted by on in Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse Among the Elderly is a Growing Concern

Because of the unique life challenges that older people face, they are particularly vulnerable. Not only do they have a higher risk of abusing alcohol and drugs, but they are also a part of the population that tends to be ignored, as most media attention on substance abuse focuses on younger people. However, as the elderly population is projected to grow in the U.S. and other western countries, it is likely to become a greater problem in future years.

Senior substance abusers tend to fall into two categories:

  • Those who have managed to live past 65 years of age despite the fact that they have abused alcohol or drugs for many years.
  • Those who turn to alcohol or drugs later in life in order to deal with their changing life circumstances:

  • - Loneliness
  • - Grief due to the death of loved ones
  • - Boredom/ lack of meaningful employment
  • - Health concerns/ chronic pain
  • - Reduced cognitive functioning
  • - Fear of getting old
  • - Family problems
  • - Financial hardship

A Hidden Epidemic

Elderly substance abuse is sometimes referred to as a hidden epidemic, because it can be a lot harder to diagnose substance abuse in older people. A primary reason is that tools used to diagnose substance abuse tend to be biased towards younger people; there is often a focus on the ability of the individual to fulfill work commitments and family responsibilities. However, older individuals tend to have fewer such commitments, so it weakens the effectiveness of these standard diagnostic tools.

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Substance Abuse and Anxiety

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Anxiety can lead to substance abuse

Anxiety is something that most people experience before something significant occurs in their life – this could be sitting a test or making a public speech. Occasional anxiety is not a big deal, and can even motivate some to perform better. For others, anxiety becomes a far more destructive force in their life, and can be made worse by alcohol and drugs. In some instances the symptoms of anxiety will be what drove the individual to substance abuse in the first place, but it is also possible for the individual to develop anxiety problems as a result of their alcohol or drug intake.

Uneasiness and apprehension about future uncertainties

People who suffer from anxiety are three times more likely to turn to substance abuse than those who do not have such symptoms. Anxiety is a feeling of fear and concern. It can also be described as a state of uneasiness and apprehension about future uncertainties. It is normal for people to experience a bit of anxiety from time to time, but for some people such feelings can cause a disruption in their life

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The Chemistry of Addiction: Why Substance Abuse is a Disease

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Addiction to alcohol and drugs can affect anyone, regardless of their race, age, socioeconomic status, education or religious affiliation. Thanks to advances in medical and psychological research, the social stigma attached to substance abuse and addiction are slowly eroding as society becomes more educated and understanding of this disease.

And it is a disease…but did you flinch for a second when you read the word ‘disease’?

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