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The Painkiller Problem

Posted by on in Addiction

Prescriptions for Opioids, or Painkillers

Over the past 20 years, prescriptions for opioids, or painkillers, has increased more than tenfold. And, not surprisingly, painkiller addiction has also tripled in just the last decade alone. While you may think these drugs are not as dangerous as “illegal” drugs, the truth is, according to Centers for Disease Control, painkillers kill twice as many people as cocaine and five times as many as heroin.

painkiller addiction treatment

High Risk of Addiction

Opioids, such as oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and meperidine (Demerol) are among the most powerful painkillers available. Originally designed to treat severe acute pain, such as following surgery, opioids are being increasingly used to treat chronic conditions such as arthritis, migraines, or back pain. This is highly controversial, however, because opioids target the the same brain receptors as heroin and carry a high risk of addiction.

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