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This Is Your Baby On Drugs [Infographic]

Posted by on in Substance Abuse

Your Baby on Drugs Infographic Excerpt

The creation of life is a beautiful thing, something that nearly all hopeful parents dream about as they grow older. They say men become fathers the minute their child is born, and women become mothers the minute they discover they're pregnant. But despite those inherent traits of mankind, not every parent is perfect. We all make mistakes and learn from them, only some are more drastic than others. And our first priority should be cultivating the finest life for millions of children that will be entering this world. But not all of them have an equal chance at survival. That's because each year a number of those babies suffer from birth defects directly resulting from substance abuse and drug addiction that occurred during pregnancy. That number has grown to include over 4% of Pregnant women. Which can be traced back to nearly 176,200 babies that are exposed to potential birth defects!

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Recovery Center Names New Clinical Director

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August 18, 2011  - In that capacity, she will be assuming responsibility for day to day clinical operations of the center, a rehabilitation facility that maintains a census of approximately 20 clients and specializes in attention to the alcoholic addict in a private, comfortable setting.


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