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Forgiveness in Recovery

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Getting beyond the past

When a substance abuser first becomes sober, they can have a long list of grudges against those who have hurt them in the past. In order to get on with their life, it’s crucial for them to be able to let go of those grudges and offer forgiveness. If they are unwilling to forget about past wrongs, it may hold them back in recovery or even lead to relapse. Those who do manage to get beyond their past will usually find that it greatly benefits their new life.

Forgiveness is the process of ending the resentment, indignation, or anger that results from a perceived offence. Not only is it possible for an addict to offer forgiveness to other people, but it is also possible for them to forgive themselves for past bad behavior.

Justification to relapse back to addiction

Holding a grudge can be dangerous for people in recovery for a number of reasons. If a recovering addict gets caught up in negativity, it can prevent them from making progress in sobriety. They can use their grudge as justification to relapse back to addiction. But the person most negatively impacted by a grudge is the one holding it; the target of the grudge may be blissfully unaware, and the only person suffering is the one who is unable to forgive.

Addicts also tend to blame others for the mess they are in and refuse to take responsibility for their situation. If they continue to blame other people for all that is wrong in their life it will prevent them taking charge and turning their life around.

Forgiving is something we all need to do

Grudges it can lead to increasing negativity in recovery, because they usually involve feelings of bitterness, anger, and resentment. Negativity is a drain on motivation, can lead to other types of negativity which can put sobriety at real risk.

Not only does the individual need to be able to forgive other people, but they will also need to be able to forgive themselves. There is likely to be many things in the individual’s past that fills them with shame and leaves them feeling guilty. It can be a good idea to try to make amends for such harm, but there comes a time when people need to move on. Some people find it easier to forgive their enemies than to forgive themselves, but this is something that they need to do.

Experience in sobriety

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, recovery includes a strong emphasis on the importance of forgiveness, which strengthens sobriety. Our experienced therapists are skilled at helping recovering addicts face the negativity – the guilt, anger and resentment that cause discomfort and bitterness. Through their own personal experience in sobriety, they provide strong encouragement and meaningful insight that can effectively help you or your loved one overcome these emotional obstacles to recovery.

Call 12 Palms today and take that first step – we’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure a lasting recovery.


Paul Lambrakis is a freelance writer who combines his personal insight and experience with thorough research to engage, inform and empower his readers. In his writing, he also strives to provide hope and encouragement to those seeking a path to recovery.



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