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The Spiritual Principles of Step Twelve

Posted by on in 12 Steps

Twelfth Step: We Spiritually Awoke, Carried the Message and Practiced

“Having had a spiritual awakening as result of these steps we tried to carry this message to addicts/alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs”

The first and foremost Spiritual Principle in Step Twelve is Service. It would seem the Twelfth Step would be a culmination of all the previous steps. In a way it is, but we are also introduced to a few new ones, too. Among them is Service as the basis for this Step, and for that we are grateful. For without the Spiritual Principle of Service, none of us would even know about 12 Step Programs. Everyone that is in recovery is so, due to this step. Someone in recovery created, printed and brought meeting lists to the probation/parole office. Someone in recovery introduced our judicial system to the benefits of meetings. Someone in recovery brought a meeting to a facility where we were institutionalized. Someone built a website, telling us about AA or NA in our area, region and around the world. Someone created a recording or answered the phone when we called the helpline. Thank goodness for all these “somoenes” as they did so as volunteers and in service to their fellowship. We are all here because someone else was of service.

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