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The Spiritual Principles of Step Eight

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Eight Step: We Become Willing

“We made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.”

Many Old Timers believe the Spiritual Principle of Brotherly Love is the basis of Step Eight. We must first remember the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous was written in a time when this was a commonly used phrase. For our purposes, Brotherly Love is showing kindness and compassion towards others without expecting anything in return. We are finally on a step where it’s no longer making things right within ourselves; we can start making things right with others.

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The Spiritual Principles of Step Nine

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Ninth Step: We Make Amends

“We made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.”

Many believe the main Spiritual Principle behind Step Nine is Justice. It is in this Step where we make right the wrongs we have done. By the time we’ve reached this Step, we are ready to make our amends. First, what is an amends? Most anyone in recovery will agree, an amends is not merely saying we’re sorry. How many times did we cry, “I’ll never do that again” or “I’m so, so sorry, I really mean it this time!” and “I promise, I will do better next time…” Only to repeatedly neglect our promise and continue to plead for forgiveness for hurting our loved ones. An actual amends is a change in behavior. We make an amends to no longer repeat the actions that causes harm.

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The Spiritual Principles of Step Ten

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Tenth Step: We Continued

“We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, we promptly admitted it.”

“Ugh, I’m so tired of looking at myself! When do I get a break? How much longer do I have to do this stuff?” Since we’ve made it this far, it only makes sense to go a little further. Step Ten is when we practice the Spiritual Principle of Perseverance. We have to remember, Recovery is something we get to do. Not everyone gets this opportunity to learn about and practice Spiritual Principles while making mistakes along the way. We are freely given a new way to live by our forefathers, it is truly an honor and a privilege to be in Recovery. Working the Tenth Step is a huge part of continuing on our journey and persevering.

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The Spiritual Principles of Step Eleven

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Eleventh Step: We Sought

“We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out.”

The main Spiritual Principle of Step Eleven is Spirituality. What is Spirituality? The beautiful thing about AA and NA is that Spirituality is whatever you decide it to be. Neither the program nor the fellowship can decide for you. Although by the time we’ve reached this step, we already have a relationship with a God of our understanding. It is in the Eleventh Step where we”…improve our conscious contact with God.” We do what we can to enhance this relationship further.

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The Spiritual Principles of Step Twelve

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Twelfth Step: We Spiritually Awoke, Carried the Message and Practiced

“Having had a spiritual awakening as result of these steps we tried to carry this message to addicts/alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs”

The first and foremost Spiritual Principle in Step Twelve is Service. It would seem the Twelfth Step would be a culmination of all the previous steps. In a way it is, but we are also introduced to a few new ones, too. Among them is Service as the basis for this Step, and for that we are grateful. For without the Spiritual Principle of Service, none of us would even know about 12 Step Programs. Everyone that is in recovery is so, due to this step. Someone in recovery created, printed and brought meeting lists to the probation/parole office. Someone in recovery introduced our judicial system to the benefits of meetings. Someone in recovery brought a meeting to a facility where we were institutionalized. Someone built a website, telling us about AA or NA in our area, region and around the world. Someone created a recording or answered the phone when we called the helpline. Thank goodness for all these “somoenes” as they did so as volunteers and in service to their fellowship. We are all here because someone else was of service.

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The Spiritual Principles of Step One

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“I don’t want to work the 12 steps! I don’t want to make amends! I’m the victim here, can’t you see?!” Sound familiar? When a person new to recovery is first introduced to the 12 Steps, many emotions abound. These responses are normal, even expected. What are you telling me? I have to admit… be restored… inventory… and what is this amends stuff!? At first look, the 12 Steps can seem daunting, even to a hardened drug addict, an alcoholic that just drank a little too much, to anyone being introduced to recovery and the 12 Steps for the first time. The 12 Steps are a proven method for a better way of life.


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The Spiritual Principles of Step Two

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Step Two: We came to believe in a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

The first Spiritual Principle found in the Second Step is Hope.

“OK, so I’m insane. Now what?,” You ask? In Step Two, we are offered hope that we too, can get better. Hope is a belief in something that is possible. It doesn’t mean that by working this step we will be instantly restored to sanity. It means that if we continue to stay clean and sober and work the rest of the steps, that we could be restored to sanity. That sounds like a pretty good idea! How do we be restored?

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The Spiritual Principles of Step Three

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Step Three: We made a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.

Picture this: There are three frogs on a log. One makes a decision to jump off. How many frogs are left on the log? Three! One only made a decision to jump off. In Step Three we find out about making the decision to let go and let God.

The first Spiritual Principle behind the Third Step is Faith. In Step Two, we were introduced to the idea of Power greater than ourselves, and began relying upon that Power to restore us to sanity. We started to believe that this Power had our backs; we were given evidence. This Power was proving Itself on a regular basis, meeting our needs and maybe even answering a prayer or two. In Step Three, we build upon this little bit of faith even further.

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The Spiritual Principles of Step Four

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Step Four: We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves

“C-c-c-c-courage!,” whimpers the Cowardly Lion, as he approaches the Dark Forest in The Wizard of Oz. He was afraid of the dark and lacked the courage to move forward. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Courage is defined as: “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.”

None of the prior steps seem as daunting as the Fourth Step. The Fourth Step is about US! None of this other stuff like in Step One where we were admitting or Step Two when we are being restored or Step Three making a decision to blah, blah, blah. To be “searching and fearless,” requires a lot of Courage to look at ourselves and move forward! We do not ever work this step alone. We work this step with our sponsor’s care and guidance.

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The Spiritual Principles of Step Five

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Fifth Step: Admitting to God, Ourselves and Another

“We admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.”

We have finally made it to the Fifth Step! The first Spiritual Principle behind Step Five is Integrity. Integrity is something other people had before we got clean and sober. Integrity is doing the right thing for the right reasons, even if no one is watching; Taking the higher road in an argument; Being happy instead of right all the time; Living by a certain standard, in the case for us addicts and alcoholics, a new code of ethics, the Spiritual Principles.

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